The Elite Beat Agents are at your service!

Aug 11, 2009 16:16

So. EBA mission. Been quite a while in the making, huh?

We're starting the thread tomorrow, guys, and we need y'all to make it work. :D

Basically, around West 40th and Broadway (near Times Square), a group of characters runs into a group of CARP members. Things look like they'll get pretty rough...until one of the monsters wanders onto the western shore of Manhattan and starts heading east, towards them. If the monster isn't turned, Bryant Park Hotel and Library Hotel soon after it will be in the path of destruction. (Now would be a great time to stop fighting and work together, huh?) So what happens next?


With the help of a full-on EBA mission, characters and CARP, working together, come up with the brilliant idea of using explosives and fireworks to turn the monster's path, literally scaring it away. It doesn't take long to implement it.

That's the plan, at least.


Who wants to be inspired by dancing secret agents to scare the everloving hell out of a monster and bridge the gap between Manhattanite and Outsider? :3
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