The Basics
Name: Pel
Age: 18
Location: America's sailing capital!
A Little Bit More
What are five positive adjectives you would use to describe yourself? Quirky, humorous, creative, kind, complacent.
What are five negative adjectives you would use to describe yourself? Annoying, sardonic, insane, weird, complacent.
What are three things that you are good at? Eating, writing, sleeping.
What are three things that you are not good at? Drawing, paying attention for prolonged periods of time, sleeping, math.
What are some of your pet peeves? Improper use of the semicolon.
What are some of your dreams for the future? To be financially stable!
This or That: Are you...
A lover or a fighter? Fighter?
An introvert or an extrovert? Iiiintrovert.
A girly girl or a tomboy? Tomboy.
An optimist or a pessimist? Peeeessimist.
A leader of a follower? Follower.
Color: Blue
Animal: Walrus
Season First
Movie: Fight Club? I have a lot. It's either Fight Club or h2g2, because I could watch them any time and place, and will drop whatever I'm doing to do so, if necessary.
TV Show: Pushing Daisies or Sons of Anarchy; I don't watch too much tv, really.
Musical artist/Band Elliott Smith/The Clash
Book: Hahaha um. Ihavesomany. Madhouse by Rob Thurman or Peeps by Scott Westerfeld, because I can reread either at a moment's notice, likewise.
Quote: Aaaaugh thischangeseveryday UM
There is nothing new under the sun but there are lots of old things we don't know.
-Ambrose Bierce, The Devil's Dictionary
Pushing Daisies
Which episode is your favorite? Probably Bitter Sweets because c'mon! Pie Hos.
What is your favorite outfit that a character has worn? (Pictures are encouraged, but not necessary)
Does this one count? I have such a weakness for suits and tuxedos.
What is your favorite quote from Pushing Daisies?
You framed someone for murder. You ASS!
because the way he says ass is just so hilarious and I can't just cite everything Emerson says and picking one is impossible.
When did you become a fan of the show? Veeery recently?
The End
Anything else you'd like to add? D:
1-3 Picture(s), or a description if you're more comfortable with that: