Never mind that it's early, it's never too early to celebrate Samhain (I can't even remember when the stuff started appearing in my local Sainsbury's!)
Yep, Sainsbury's ... us lowly students can't afford Waitrose :s Besides, it's my closest supermarket and is still a 2mile round trip (well, walk) from my halls of res.
I completely agree with you about celebrating for a week, at least!
Our town's a bit of an odd mix. Until recently there was no Sainsbury. There was a teeny tiny Iceland, a Sommerfield that sold grey meat, a Waitrose and a M&S that only sells pre-prepared meals. So there wasn't much of a choice. The Sommerfield was taken over last year by a Sainsbury which is why I'm interested to hear they sell Halloween stuff because it's hard to come by in our area.
Ah, I remember the days of having to walk all our shopping home for miles. Split shopping bags, stuff falling out on the pavement, hands that won't unclench because you've been gripping the bags for too long...
Comments 28
Your icon bought out an instant "Eight! Eight comments. Ah-ah-ah," response in me :-D
Never mind that it's early, it's never too early to celebrate Samhain (I can't even remember when the stuff started appearing in my local Sainsbury's!)
Sainsbury, eh? I split my shops between Tesco and Waitrose and both of them were selling Christmas tat before they started peddling Halloween items.
And if it was up to me we'd celebrate Halloween for a week.
I completely agree with you about celebrating for a week, at least!
Ah, I remember the days of having to walk all our shopping home for miles. Split shopping bags, stuff falling out on the pavement, hands that won't unclench because you've been gripping the bags for too long...
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