Matters of Trust

Feb 06, 2013 15:02

Title: Matters of Trust / THE 7-DAY CHALLENGE #2
Author: mareel
Prompt #: 2 - Addiction
Fandom: Star Trek Enterprise
Rating: PG
Characters: Jonathan Archer, T'Pol, Lorian
Word count: 377
Disclamer: I don't own the characters of Star Trek Enterprise and make no profit from them. I do promise to treat them well.
Summary: Revisiting the past, entrusting the future.

Notes: This story is part of a set of ficlets exploring the AU of the episode "E2" where Enterprise and her crew were sent 117 years into the past, becoming a generational ship. This is set approximately thirty years after the shift. It makes reference to events of Season 3, particularly the episodes "Damage" and "E2". Lorian is the son of T'Pol and Commander Charles "Trip" Tucker. This is told from Jonathan's point of view.
"T’Pol, you never told me about your addiction to trellium… “

“I preferred to deal with the matter privately. Doctor Phlox should not have mentioned it to you now. It has been thirty years since then, Jonathan.”

“Phlox never said anything. I doubt he’d break patient confidentiality unless the ship and all our lives were at stake.”

“My son, then. Lorian must have told you.”

I nod, willing myself to stop pacing. This is years old, and shouldn’t be any kind of an issue. I’m just feeling that I was left out, not trusted with vital information during a dangerous time.

“He did mention it, yes. Almost casually, as if he assumed I knew of it. We were discussing precautions that would be needed when the anomalies from the spheres increase as we get closer to converging with the other timeline.” I take a deep breath before correcting myself. “As Enterprise gets closer to that time… I won’t be here for that. I’ll need to trust the ship to Lorian then, if he proves to be the captain I think I see in him.”

“I felt it necessary to tell him about the effects of trellium on Vulcan physical and mental health. He asked how I knew this information was accurate. So I told him of my experiences with it. Exposure would certainly affect him, but I doubt the effects would have any attraction for him in the way they did for me. Lorian has always been comfortable with his emotions. Perhaps too comfortable at times…”

I watch her face carefully, her initial hints of surprise and agitation fading into what can only be called acceptance, and a mother’s concern for her only child. My tone softens, and I try to hide my irrationally bruised feelings. “You could have trusted me, you know. Even then.”

“I know that now. At the time, everything was much less clear to me. I apologize for that failure.”

Sometimes she knows or guesses the direction of my thoughts with uncanny accuracy.

“I don’t believe there have been any other occasions where I haven’t trusted you, or your choices, at least not with regard to anything significant.”

Touching her shoulder lightly, I smile and turn to go. “I know that... and thank you.”

+the 7-day challenge #2, rating: pg, genre: character study, fandom: star trek, author: mareel, genre: gen

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