Title: Promises To The Darkness
misspopuriPrompt #: 05 - Fiction
Prompt table: Ea
Fandom: The Vampire Diaries
Rating: R
Character/Pairing: Kol, Klaus
Word count: ~972
Disclaimer: I do not own TVD, its affiliates, or The CW.
Summary: In 1912, Kol and Klaus shared a heart-to-heart before being daggered in it.
Anger surged through Kol at the interruption, he smiled at Agnes, “Very well,” he signaled for everyone of his company to leave, “I’ll take it. Send him in.”
Like before, Agnes went to retrieve this stranger. No face could be distinguished underneath the wide brimmed dark hat and dark scarf. Kol tensed up when Agnes showed this gentleman into his private area. What is he doing here, he thought to himself.
To give them more privacy, Agnes left Kol with this strange man. His features may have been hidden to him at first, but his manner of interruption and entrance was not unknown. He smiled bitterly at his brother as he said, “It’s been a long time, brother.”
Having removed his hat, he revealed a slicked back casing of dark blonde curly hair and piercing blue eyes. He glared knowingly at Kol, as he answered, “Not long enough, I’m afraid.” His voice sounded both sinister and almost warm at the same time.
“Would you care for a drink, Nik,” Kol asked genteelly, offered one of the glasses Agnes had delivered earlier. His brother’s expression unchanged as he set down the glass in front of Klaus. Pursing his lips, he asked instead, “what are you here for anyway?”
Klaus remained silent for several minutes, let the buzz of entertainment outside their private section hum with greater fervor. To relieve the tension, Kol took another swig of liquor from his glass, waited for Klaus to speak again. He didn’t move a muscle except to hide a grimace.
“I’m not coming back with you, Nik,” Kol answered himself, “I kind of like it on my own. Here in New York.”
“I can see that.”
With a tilt of his head, he indicated the young woman tending the bar. She’s a pretty thing, for a human, at least. Klaus smiled knowingly, “It’s a shame you won’t be around to see her much longer.”
Always skeptical, Kol arched his eyebrow at Klaus. He didn’t know what else to say. Klaus usually left cryptic messages like that all the time. He replied, “What is that supposed to me-?”
Before he could finish the sentence, a wooden stake appeared and stabbed him into the middle of the heart with it. Shocked and dismayed, he stared up at his brother; pain enveloped his face as he lurched forward in his seat with a dagger sticking out of him. Doubting his brother’s intentions were honorable, Kol added, “Why are you doing this, brother, I thought we would have a good time.”
As he slowly faded into a melancholy sleep phase, Kol heard Klaus’ final words to him as the dagger ripped a hole in his heart. He spoke, “I promise family will come first next time.”
It was a promise he intended to keep.