Joanne K. Rowling:
Exclusive Review of J.K. Rowling's 'Very Good Lives' by
• Lumos online donation Sweepstakes
in honor of Rowling's launch of lumos in the US have started (US residents only).
Prompt Challenges:
slythindor100 posted
Challenge #177: list of 20 words (challenge ends April 25).
hd_smoochfest is
looking for two pinch-hitters found! and reminds participants that submissions are due May 1.
Masterlists and Weekly Round-ups:
hogwarts365 posted the
Prompt 81 und 82 Masterlists.
hp_deflower posted the
Week Two Roundup of the HP Deflower Fest.
Editor's Choice Rec:
Recipes for the Lost and Lonely by
phresine (Draco/Ron; R; 20,000 words)
Summary: Draco can bake cheesecakes to cheer you up, and cream puffs to calm you down, but has yet to bake a cake that can ward against loneliness. Ron stocks Foe-Glasses to tell you when your enemies are behind you, and Sneakoscopes for when those who would wish you ill are near, but nothing that can show you a person's true self.
snarryficfind is looking for fic
where Harry is neither the Potter's nor Severus' child.
• Last chance to leave your Lee Jordan recs!: the
daily_snitch is looking for your recs, art, stories, meta and links for the
Special Edition: Lee Jordan.
Schedule of Upcoming Events from April 12 through 18 at
SS/HP Prophet for April 5 though 11.
General Fandom News:
• OTW Fannews:
Global Rights (discusses articles from Japan, France, Germany and the US).
'Harry Potter-style' wizardry school comes to life in Poland (BBC News clip from April 11, 2015)
ship_manifesto is
gauging interest for re-opening the community (all fandoms).
Community Spotlight:
Bad Bang - Like a Big Bang... But Terrible
The all-fandom Bad Bang takes place on AO3.
Bad Bang IV: The World's Worst Exchange has opened the Collection for reading on April 1, the Authors' Reveal was on April 8. There are
four HP works in the Bad Bang IV.
Send your fandom news to the
Daily Snitch.