Special Edition: Rubeus Hagrid

Feb 04, 2015 15:39

Special Edition
Rebeus Hagrid
(born December 6, 1928)

Art by gerre, Rubeus Hagrid (used with permission)


Christmas Shopping: can be problematic ... by jodel_from_aol (Rubeus Hagrid; G)

Finally Free by amorette (Hagrid/Olympe Maxime; G)

Hagrid's March by SaBenerica (Rubeus Hagrid, Harry Potter, Death Eaters; PG)

Baby's First Christmas by akatnamedeaster (Rubeus Hagrid, Norbert; PG)

Size Queen by tripperfunster (Hagrid/Harry; R)

Up the Stalk and Down the Pole by
ponderosa121 (Hagrid/Draco; NC-17)


The First Winter by fluffyllama (Madam Rosmerta/Rubeus Hagrid; G; 3800 words)

Help Will Always Be Given to Those who Ask For It by flaminia_x (Rubeus Hagrid and others; G; 3900 words)

A Chizpurfle in a Pine Tree by delphipsmith (Rubeus Hagrid; G; 5100 words)

Fantastic Beings by songquake (Rubeus Hagrid, Newt Scamander; G; 6164 words)

Tight Squeeze by Albalark (Rubeus Hagrid/Madam Pomfrey; PG; 870 words)

Care of Magical Creatures by lordhellebore (Rubeus Hagrid/Severus Snape; PG; 1010 words)

You Can Call Me Al by flaminia_x (Hagrid-centric, featuring Albus Severus Potter, various faculty, background trio and Ginny; PG; 3300 words)

Choosing the Wizard by albalark (Garrick Ollivander/Rubeus Hagrid; PG; 14,390 words)

Past the Port by purplefluffycat (Rubeus Hagrid, Minerva McGonagall, Horace Slughorn; PG-13; 5500 words)

Walking Shadow by synn (Rubeus Hagrid/Draco Malfoy; NC-17; 4085 words)


hagrid_snape - A Snape/Hagrid slash and relationship fiction and art community.

We Love Hagrid - An art group on deviant.art dedicated entirely to Rubeus Hagrid.


Hagrid: Tryin' ter get it righ' - A Speech Writing Guide by Omi_Ohmy

The Hagridizer - Converts normal text in text that sounds a bit Hagrid-ish.

Thank you, everybody who contributed to this Special Edition!
If you have more Hagrid art or fic, meta or resources, that you would like to see added to the Special Edition, please leave a comment here.

*special edition, s.e.: rubeus hagrid

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