Day Three of guest posts! Please remember to check out the previous ones
here and
here if you haven't already. Today, our guest
raths_kitten brings us a rather stunning collection of shots from this year's Jus In Bello convention. Rather warming... ;)
Guest Spot #3 - raths_kitten
Alright guys, this one-time-only guest spot has been really tough for me, because there are so many awesome Misha pictures out there, because Misha is awesome in each and every picture of him, because he's just that awesome. ;) However I decided to focus on my personal highlight this year, and that's been Jus in Bello 3. Because my own pictures are not very good, I'm gonna snatch them all from
Misha was in a cuddly mood that weekend.
Maybe that was part of why he felt so hot on stage.
Or maybe it was being in such close vicinity of Jensen.
Or maybe it was Misha himself, because everybody seemed magically drawn to him.
Misha was a little embarrassed himself.
But hey, what can you do when you're so irresistible?
Finally, completely unrelated to JIB, but just because I can, I'm leaving you with my favorite art by one of my favorite artists,
lettiebobettie @ tumblr.
gwaevalarin7 by lettiebobettie on tumblr
Leave some guest-love in the comments, folks!
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