This can't be posted enough.

Nov 11, 2008 11:10

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Most of you have, I'm sure, seen this already. I'm now the fourth person I know of on LJ to put this up, and I have a relatively small f-list. I don't care. Watch it again. We all should.

Stolen from sstormwatch, and archmage, and praenomenal, and kimber1337, and I'm sure many more as the day goes on. And rightly so.

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Comments 8

veiravx November 11 2008, 19:20:50 UTC
I hadn't seen that before. Thank you.


daemonwise November 12 2008, 16:38:19 UTC
No problem. Even if it was meme-tastic of me, I still think this should be spread liek teh word of so-called gospel.


virgoqueen7 November 11 2008, 19:23:42 UTC
God I know!!! This was so well spoken. He's my new favorite anchor and everyone needs to listen to this.


daemonwise November 12 2008, 16:40:58 UTC
yeah, we gave his show a shot last night. it's nice taht he provides the left with an answer to O'Reilly, but I kind of wish neither of them had to exist. i'm old fashioned when it comes to journalism, and usually prefer my reporters as impartial as they come.

that being said, opinion news has it's place too, so i guess i shouldn't bitch.


raindancer_jess November 11 2008, 19:30:55 UTC
I had not seen this and am happy to re-post. Thanks for sharing!


daemonwise November 12 2008, 16:41:15 UTC
no problem! thank you for reposting.


great video chinadoll66102 November 11 2008, 20:01:35 UTC
Keith olbermann is awesome.

It's so sad that it was passed. I understand people have the right to vote, and this is how they voted....sad as it is but eh, that's democracy and we have to uphold that right and how the system works for better or for worse...I wish it turned out differently though.

Someday, people will become more accepting of it all I think, and people like Olbermann help move us into the right direction :)


Re: great video daemonwise November 12 2008, 16:53:15 UTC
if nothing else, this whole issue has given a better insight as to why we have institutions like, say, the electoral college. as beautiful as it would be for this to work, placing the future and the law in the hands of the unwashed masses is not necessarily a good thing. of course, placing those very same things in the hands of a numbered elite can be just as bad, since those hands can be bought (like in, say, the 2000 election).

but if the people had their way, the rights of so many would be merrily stepped on, with no immediate hope. tara recently said in a discussion with another that 'laws protect the weak from the strong.' i agree with that, and i hope that this law can be detroyed in court as soon as possible.


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