A Devilish Dialogue

Aug 23, 2008 23:41

Mayor Bob is doing well. I visited him yesterday during band practice and a short pop-in at the pub. He's learned to speak using his prosthetic larynx. It may be easier to understand him now than it was beforehand. There's a hole in the front of his neck where a diaphragm is used to mimic the vibrations of a larynx. The mayor places his finger ( Read more... )

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Comments 8

toodleskitty August 24 2008, 12:21:42 UTC
Recently, I've been watching repeats of early "Cheers" episodes (ya know, the ones with Diane) and Bohemia ain't Cheers... You handle yourself very well and cleverly in situations most would run from. I suspect you know that already.

Bought some Maker's Mark yesterday. Had a glass last night at room temperature with a splash of water. YUM.


Have you ever read "The Sun Magazine"?
Your LJ posts = essays they would love...


dadadadio August 24 2008, 18:36:14 UTC
I had some M.M. (not the candy) when I was delayed three hours at the Airport last week. It melts in your chest not in your hands.

I have never read the sun magazine and I've never submitted an essay for publication. It's kind of scary to me. In my previous book the author dealt with the 'fear of rejection' psychology. I don't think I have what it takes and maybe it's just better not knowing for sure.

I will check out that link.


toodleskitty August 24 2008, 19:02:23 UTC
I made a new rule. I will only have Band Practice Friday nights or Saturday nights and only Sunday nights that have a Monday Holiday. The rest of the nights there will be one glass of MM after dinner. Yes... I am a responsible adult. :)


Don't even get me started on that 'fear of rejection' stuff because I am guilty of that myself. Either you get over it or you don't. I think a bigger problem for me as a writer is that I am just not ambitious about sending out my non-fiction and fiction.


dadadadio August 24 2008, 19:21:39 UTC
I only drink on days ending in 'Y'.

I will get back to the 'fear of rejection' issue as it's become clear to me that my love of writing is a bigger part of me than I previously realized and I really need to get over my insecurities.



sharpchick August 24 2008, 14:31:31 UTC
I always enjoy an opportunity to toy with a Satanist. . . even the most serious and devout of them will loudly exclaim that they are not Christians.

Yet they worship a Christian deity. . .for if they will check the history, they will see that Satan is a deity of the Christian faith, just not an adored one.

Methinks he doth protest too much. . .and I have found that the ones who talk the loudest and longest about their weapons are not usually the ones you have to worry about committing random - or planned - acts of violence.

It's the one whose home is barriacaded by crime scene tape after going out in a blaze of law enforcement induced glory. . . the really quiet one. . .that was the deadly one.

All John is doing is possibly setting up his own early demise by announcing his weapon reinforced ideology in a bar, where one of those deadly ones is sitting at a corner table in the dark, listening carefully.


Beware the quiet ones. dadadadio August 24 2008, 18:40:15 UTC
Damn, I wish you were there to pinch hit for me when he rambled about Satan. I don't have the weaponry you have in that topic.

You're point that John is all bark and no bite may be valid but people that know him better than I avoid him. If I never see him again, fine, but I won't avoid him because the discussion was fun.

I may be more prepared.


Re: Beware the quiet ones. sharpchick August 24 2008, 20:08:15 UTC
He's actually as narrow minded as the Christians he wants to antagonize.

For them, God equals light=good.
Satan equals dark=evil.

So while Christians ignore that it is the sum of the parts (light and dark) that make up the whole, so does John.

Pretty exclusive and decidedly unbalanced for little ole panentheistic me. But such is the way of monotheists. As we say here in the south, they can't help it, "bless their hearts."

And it all came about because of the jealousy of their God. (Jealousy is usually considered to be a dark emotion, so I'm not sure exactly how the Christians manuever past that point, but. . .)

Ex. 20:3-5 You shall have no other gods before me. You shall not make for yourself an idol, or any likeness of what is in heaven above or on the earth beneath or in the water under the earth. You shall not worship them or serve them; for I, the Lord your God, am a jealous God. . ." (New American Standard version)

Note that the Abrahamic God did not say there were no other gods. . . just that he wanted to be the one ( ... )


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