App for capeandcowl

Oct 26, 2009 15:24

NAME: Kris!
AGE: 22
JOURNAL: twbasketcase
IM: Shattershot07
E-MAIL: k_rotten AT hotmail DOT com :]
RETURNING: Archangel, Shatterstar and Quicksilver.

CHARACTER NAME: Roberto DaCosta aka Sunspot
FANDOM: Marvel-616
CHRONOLOGY: New Mutants Volume 3 #6

Roberto (or Bobby, as his friends call him) was born in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil to a very wealthy family. His father, Emmanuel, was a multi-millionaire owner of the DaCosta International corporation, as well as a member of the prestigious Hellfire Club. Nina, his mother, was an American architect and adventurer. Because of his mother's occupation, most of Bobby's childhood was spent with his father who got him involved in soccer. Roberto immediately grew to love the game, and it was his one true passion growing up. Eventually he made the city's elite squad, and it was during one of their matches that his mutant powers first manifested.

Under the watchful eye of Emmanuel and Roberto's girlfriend Juliana, the young teen got into a mix up on the field because of a racial slur directed at him by two members of the opposite team. Being the hot head that he is, Roberto took a swing at the first boy only to be jumped by a handful of members of the other team. The referee gave Bobby the penalty and, still angry, he was convinced it was due to racial discrimination on the ref's part as well. The level of his anger kicked in the X-Gene, and Bobby's entire body changed to a jet black shade. The sight of the angry mutant sent all of the fans in the stadium running, and only Juliana and Emmanuel stuck around to calm Roberto and get him to safety.

The spectacle was noticed by a member of the Inner Circle of the Hellfire Club - Donald Pierce - and a plan was set forth to abduct and kill any young mutant he could find. Pierce sent his goons after Bobby to take him out. Angry and frightened, Roberto and Juliana tried to fend them off and nearly succeeded when Xavier's New Mutants Karma and Mirage came to his aid. However, the Hellfire agents were older, more experienced, and prepared for backlash, and in retaliation they managed to shoot Juliana--who had jumped in front of a bullet aimed for Bobby. Heartbroken and devastated, he agreed to join Xavier's team, however, his intentions at the time were primarily in getting his revenge on the Hellfire Club.

Eventually he got his chance too, as Xavier sent the small team (plus another mutant girl named Wolfsbane) to go track down Pierce's hideout. During this, and with help from the professor, the young mutants managed to defeat Pierce as well as managed to win over one of his agents, Cannonball. This was the official start of the original New Mutants line up, and from that point on Roberto and Sam became best friends.

Sunspot (the name the Professor had helped him choose), was a member of the team right up until it disbanded and had played pivotal roles in many of their major battles. Their first test had been against the alien race known as the Brood, and afterward Sentinels, Viper, and Limbo. During these missions, it became apparent that Roberto's hot-headed attitude and behaviour acted as his major weakness on the field. Often times he would charge in against villains without thinking or without enough energy stored to defend himself (as with the Sentinels who'd managed to nearly crush him).

There was a brief break between battles in which the team made their way to the Brazilian jungles where Roberto met up with his mother again. She had been searching through the jungles and discovered what was later revealed as the hidden nation of Nova Roma. It was here the New Mutants met Magma, as well the Hellfire Club's Black Queen, Selene, for the first time. They were unable to defeat Selene, but they did manage to escape with Magma and stop in Rio for a short vacation before heading back home to Xavier's.

The team continued to grow, and for a short while Roberto had left with Warlock. He and Sam had gotten in their first fight and Roberto had knocked him out in the middle of a soccer game. Under the impression that his angry teammates had considered him a 'bad apple', Roberto decided he wanted to randomly try out being a bad guy. On the streets, he met up with a group of runaway mutant kids (including, but not limited to: Boom-Boom, Siryn, Madrox, and Ariel). The group did some thieving as well as some physical fighting. However, it turned out that Ariel was an alien and abducted everyone to live on her home planet, Coconut Grove. Coconut Grove was some serious hippie crack shit that was so 80s it was ridiculous. Everyone was wearing V-neck shirts and headbands and neon coloured clothing. It was some real scary stuff, but the kids managed to fight Coconut Grove's government and overcome them to be sent back home to Earth. It was then that Bobby decided that Xavier's wasn't so bad, and he and Warlock returned to the New Mutants.

Unfortunately, he came back just in time for one of his teammates to die. Doug Ramsey was shot and killed by one of Cameron Hodge's employees, and the New Mutants spent the next few issues dealing with that. This death was very poignant for them however, and continued to haunt them right up until their adult years.

Roberto then had some small roles in the Mutant Massacre events (helped set up triad for the injured) and during Inferno. Up until that point the team had been under the rule of Magneto, who had taken over the Institute for Xavier when he grew gravely ill and went to live with his Shi'ar lover, Lilandra. However, Magneto ended up abandoning the students, and shortly after Cyclops handed over his son Nathan to the Mother Askani, a mysterious man by the name of Cable showed up and took the team under his wing. Roberto seemed fairly indifferent about him, and stuck strictly to his orders through X-Tinction agenda and all the way up until Emmanuel's death at the end of the series.

Emmanuel's death was actually staged by a mysterious new man named Gideon (an External whose ability was immortality). At the time, Gideon was sure that Roberto was the next to wield the power of the Externals, and took him under his wing as a mentor of sorts. The pair traveled to a New York City office so that Roberto could take over his father's company. By gaining Roberto's trust, Gideon was able to talk him into running some tests on his mutant powers. Roberto agreed, and Gideon ended up amplifying Bobby's powers by a couple thousand percent - or something hugely ridiculous like that. The end result saw him with the new ability to rechannel his solar energy into plasma blasts, as well as to store more sun for greater periods of time.

Gideon's intentions were eventually revealed when it was discovered that Roberto was not the next External--it was his best friend, Cannonball. Sam's new team, X-Force, rescued Bobby from Gideon and Roberto agreed to join the team under Sam's lead, and they stationed themselves at the Camp Verde Apache reservation.

Sunspot's stay with the team wasn't long though. Having only fought a few battles against the likes of the X-Men, SHIELD, and the MLF, Roberto ended up being taken under the possession of an entity called 'Reignfire' while battling the mutant teleporter Locus of the MLF. Bobby disappeared into the timestream with the MLF for several months before he was eventually rescued by Cable and the rest of X-Force. Because of the nature of Reignfire's abilities, it took extensive telepathic probing and restoring of information in Bobby's brain on Cable's part. In order to completely remove the entity, Nathan had to send in a psionic army of Askani psyches into Bobby's. The end result of this was both positive and bizarre. On one hand, Roberto was more powerful; he was able to fly, and it was difficult for him to power down out of his solar form. On the other, he ended up being fluent in the Askani language (Cable's native language) as well as the Askani methods of control and meditation. This new and improved Bobby was a lot less hot-headed and more playful, but also more distanced from his teammates. They weren't quite sure how to approach this version of their friend and, with the exception of Sam, they became cold.

Roberto did well with his new powers and attitude though, and found himself more in control and focused in battles. This was extremely pertinent when the team fought the likes of Mojo, Mister Sinister, and the Zero Tolerance operatives. However, Bastion and the Operatives had done some severe damage to other members of the team (notably Domino, Meltdown, Rictor, and Shatterstar) and Cable decided it was time for the team to go into hiding for their own safety. Unsurprisingly, everyone on the team declined and went their own ways. Roberto joined Tabitha, Warpath, Siryn, and his former New Mutant teammate Dani Moonstar on a long term road trip.

Besides aimless driving and many random run-ins with old friends (Karma, Skids, etc), only a few small notable things happened to Sunspot during this time. One included a brief affair with Cannonball's girlfriend (whoops) and another (and final) run-in with Reignfire. That battle ended easily in Bobby's favour and YET AGAIN he found himself powered up because of it. Apparently his secondary mutation is to get leveled up every other year. 8|

Sadly, Roberto got immigration called on him shortly after and he was sent back to Brazil. Apparently, the X-Men can't just keep bringing immigrant students into the country without visa's, so it was bye-bye 'Berto time. Without his friends even around to help him, it was back to the rich playboy life in Brazil. Which was cool, but Roberto had a problem with getting bored easily and wanted to go back to America. So he snuck back, the brat.

There was a catch though. Bobby had to make a deal with Selene in order to gain some order within the Hellfire Club's ranks. It ended up being a huge convoluted mess though with Juliana ending up resurrected but in the body of a younger girl. Essentially it was made out to be Juliana's rebirth in exchange for Roberto taking up a position as the Black Rook within the Inner Circle. He did this very reluctantly but since Juliana took a bullet for him, Roberto felt he owed her his life and took the position anyways.

He was with the Hellfire Club off and on right up until about one year ago, stopping just once to join up with the Los Angeles branch of the X-Corporation with his long time friends Magma and Skids. However, their one big mission only took them right back to the Hellfire Club where they were searching for the X-Treme X-Men's enemy, Elias Bogan. While there, Bogan influenced the former Hellion Empath to use his empathic powers to force Magma and Roberto together sexually. Thankfully, neither of them seem to remember this incident taking place and eventually they aided the X-Men in their mission. Roberto then resumed his place as Black Rook of the Club and was later promoted to the head position: Lord Imperial.

Well after the mutant Decimation, Roberto retained his powers and continued his role in the Hellfire Club, only next time he was seen, his fellow New Mutants Cannonball, Magma, and Moonstar were by his side. A new team of Young X-Men had been ordered to take the New Mutants out, and there was a long battle between the two teams until it was discovered that it was actually Donald Pierce giving the orders. In disguise. As Cyclops. Totally lame plot point, but important because this was the turning point of the whole Hellfire gig. When the real Cyclops was tracked down by the New Mutants, he convinced Roberto to leave his role of Lord Imperial behind to come and finally join the main X-Men roster in San Francisco. Along with Dani Moonstar, they were given sole responsibility of the Young X-Men until that team disbanded.

Currently, Roberto is part of the newly reformed New Mutants squad of the X-Men. Their first mission had been against a long ago foe, Legion, and they had to both physically and mentally battle every one of the man's psyches (which manifested as 500 different personas, I believe). The team was successful, but injured, and were last seen recuperating in the X-Men base until they are attacked by a techno-organic revived teammate, Doug Ramsey. This is the start of the upcoming Necrosha storyline, and where I will be taking Roberto from.

Bobby is one of those tricky buggers that tends to think and feel one way while speaking another way entirely. This, of course, goes to show that his macho, stubborn, and bull headed nature tends to be the driving force behind his personality; this is the case despite whether or not he's happy, mad, or sad. He's constantly putting on a show for people and comes off as completely arrogant and obnoxious while doing it. It bleeds over into his sometimes womanizing ways and constant string of pick-up attempts. On the other end of the spectrum, it also causes him to hold extremely petty grudges, to refuse to acknowledge when he's wrong, and to not shut his mouth until it's far too late and it's gotten him into trouble.

Bobby's attitude problems have made him extremely hard to get along with at first. The Coconut Grove incident is a perfect example of this, as his own behaviour even made him feel like an outcast amongst his own teammates--people he loved and trusted. With strangers it's even worse, as he has the tendency to pick fights and condescend people who may be poorer, uglier, or worse off than him in any way. Basically there is no filter on his mouth ever.

However, that's not to say that he doesn't have any good qualities. Because he's fiercely competitive, it drives him to put all of his heart and soul into his missions and into the cause to do the right thing. He strives to be the best that he can be when the time calls for it. It really evolves into a passion of sorts; when he's doing anything at all, he's putting forth 100%. Bobby is also completely devoted to his friends (and despite previous little spaz outs) will have their backs no matter what. Even after Tabitha got between him and Sam, the boys knew that their relationship was too great to throw away and have since completely forgiven each other. Romance, charm/charisma, a flamboyant sense of humour and adventure, playfulness, loyalty, and upfront honesty are all things that make his friends love him as much as they do.

CLASS: Morally grey hero. Toss the dog tags. Fail at finding a job. He'll probably stay with some mutants SOMEWHERE, but I'll have to wait and see about that.
ALTER EGO: Roberto DaCosta
POWER: Solar Radiation Absorption. This power enables him to fire concussive solar energy beams, propel him to fly, and power him up with super strength. Sunspot is basically like a battery; he soaks in energy from the sun and is able to rechannel it. All three of the resulting abilities listed above are only accessible when in his solar form. The form itself causes his skin to turn jet black and to cackle with energy. It must be noted that if Bobby hasn't stored up enough sun he can run out of power after long periods of time.

Heya, is this thing on? I don't know how, but I think I mighta been zapped back into Mojoworld again. Seems like every time that fat blob ends up gettin' his hands on me, I'm given a camera and told to perform something. Mojo, man, I know you like the ladies I bought you, but there's only so much Sunspot to go around, amigo. Business is business and my contract was filled. So. Uh. Why don't you be a nice spider-freak and let a brother go, huh?

And you think the dude ever asks permission first? No! I'm a busy guy, you know. There's the corporation to run and ladies to charm - this face seats three, by the way! Droga, Lord knows Sammy'll be on my ass about missing training again. How the hell am I supposed to show up for DR exercises when I'm here?

Unless this ain't Mojo.

Hope it's not Reignfire, or something.

[There's a slight shifting in the comm and a long pause before Bobby clears his throat.]

Whatever or whoever it is that brought me here said this is a hero thing, right? So I guess if anyone can hear this - preferably someone blonde, curvy, and female - give a guy a holler? I want the downlow before I end up having to fix the mustache up and bust out the old DaCosta P.I. uniform. 'Cause I'll tell you. You don't wanna mess with me when I go Magnum on your asses, okay?

'Kay. Adeus!

It was a trip going from one extreme to the next; as if getting his neck wrung by Legion wasn't enough, freaky zombie Doug was a hell of a lot worse. The two of them may have butted heads a lot when they were kids, but Roberto never wished any ill will on Doug Ramsey. Hell no. He especially didn't want to see the guy die either. Burying a friend was the worst thing, hands down, that the New Mutants went through together, and having some whacked out techno-organic version of their long lost buddy hunting them down was like salt in the still open wound. Roberto wasn't sure how Doug got there, why he was there, or what the hell he was doing using all that kung-fu crap on them, but he was pretty curious to find out.

Apparently, finding out wasn't meant to be though. How was he supposed to get any answers if he was dropped off in the middle of another alternate universe by himself and without the team? It was such crap and utter bullshit that he'd been the one chosen to sit the fight out! They needed him! He was the muscle guy, after all, and who the hell was gonna knock mister kung-fu ninja Doug version 3.0 on his ass!? No one! Certainly not Sam, anyways. Sammy'd probably just try and talk the guy down and make smores, or something equally retarded!

Because that was what happened when Roberto DaCosta wasn't there to keep his buddy's head on straight. Stupid, lame fights where they got their butts kicked!

There was one thing he could try though. Illyana was able to move through the timelines and universes, right? Even if he had to go through limbo to get back home, Roberto could always try and call her.


Approaching the AI computer that greeted him, Roberto looked straight into the speaker and yelled the loudest his voice would allow.

"ILLYANA! Port your ass in here and come get me! This isn't funny, menina!"

The screen only flashed like it had been the entire time.

"Welcome to The City, hero."

Bobby sighed angrily before swinging back and kicking the stupid thing. That, of course, gave him nothing but a shock and another reason to curse. God dammit! What the hell was he supposed to do now!? Someone better have been on the other end of that radio thing. He needed some money, ladies, and a ticket home ASAP. No DaCosta was tossed around like some puppet, that was for damn sure! He'd been there and done that with Mojo and Reignfire, and he sure as hell wasn't about to do it again!

application, ooc

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