I want
43things.com crossed with a project-management tool. Crossed with delicious.com social-tagging. A crowd-sourced life coach.
Does anything like this exist already? Is the idea insane?
[The following won't make much sense if you haven't looked at 43things.
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Comments 8
Sounds like a great idea! That would reassure me that I'm not overlooking anything that should be on my list.
I created an account on Spark People (http://www.sparkpeople.com) which theoretically has some intersection with this idea. The main problem was the rapidly overwhelming nature of the site. Too many things to do, lots of reminds which of course are necessary for these types of things but are also really annoying. So I gave up on that--it became the chipper, over-selling CSR at the chain gyms that drive me away.
On the other hand, it's easy to drop off on less intrusive stuff. Remember The Milk I've started using twice and then dropped off using it for no real reason but failing to remember to keep it updated.
I'm not sure how you achieve balance between those two problems. Maybe the answer is that online organizational tools are only useful to me in theory, but never in practice.
A facebook friend said "Ravelry" does the same top-down idea, but for knitting. Health, and Knitting. Hm.
...I also have a Remember the Milk account that I don't use, but it's likely I would if I didn't already use task manager I like. And the only reason I stuck with my task manager is GTD, which works for me; I expect if I didn't sit in front of a computer all day, I'd use 3x5 index cards for my lists. It's the process of "clearing the mind of lists" that works for me.
(& the tough part with all of this is making the tool not get in the way of the process...)
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