I had noted that my good friend
spidey_art had asked me to create a conclusion to such a story. Well here it is, kickback relax and enjoy the show.
Previous Results.
Spike Vs. Mugen=Mugen WINS! Conan Vs. Lupin=Conan WINS! Kenshin Vs. Naruto=Kenshin WINS! Broly Vs. Akuma=Akuma WINS! Kagome Vs. Sailor Mars=Sailor Mars WINS! Astro Boy Vs. Mega Man=Mega Man WINS! Vash Vs. Full Metal=Full Metal WINS! Anime Wars-Final Bout: SPECIAL! The 7 Way Elimination Battle Royal! Moron, Vs. Bomber, Vs. Senshi, Vs. Samurai, Vs. Detective, Vs. Alchemist, Vs. Demon!=SAILOR MARS GETS THE NOD! Let us continue where we left off...
The collisions of the feuding powers, cancels eachother out! This creates a HUGE explosion fating all 7 parties of the combatants to fall. Everyone was laying on the ground, not moving for a maximum of 10 seconds! AKUMA However was the first one to HIS feet! Then MUGEN... And everyone else follows. The demon within' him rises and like a ball of fire, AKUMA goes on the attack!!! He hits whatever moves! BOOM! MARS goes down! WHAM! MEGA MAN goes down! WHACK-EM! Then KENSHIN. At this AKUMA was owning the match! It almost seemed as though he could not be stopped! "WTF!?" Quotes MUGEN as he tries to rush AKUMA with a flurry of slashes. AKUMA blows him out by hitting MUGEN with his patented "DRAGON PUNCH!" AKUMA with an adrenaline plus momentum rattled KENSHIN with his "HURRICANE KICK" technique!! Everyone was in dazed as the demonic powerhouse imposed his willfulness, on the 6, other un-suspecting heroes!
AKUMA aggressively targets MARS, and pancakes her with a teleport and launcher into an air combo!!! The other competitors have not seen anything like it before!!! After a total of 12-HITS!!! AKUMA smackdowns her to the ground and follows up with his aerial finisher!!! "TENMA GOU-ZANKUU!!!" A wave of fireballs, deploy themselves out of AKUMA'S hands and finds there mark on MARS! AKUMA shouts "HM, HM, HM, HM, HM, HM HM!" as the fireballs flat out poored themselves hitting MARS body. "AHH, AHHH, AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!" MARS was devastated by AKUMA'S demonic attack! AKUMA then stops the flurry, floats down to the ground. Raises MARS by the throat and electrocutes her with his power and SLAMS her face first into a BOLDER, which busts the burning Senshi wide open! The bolder makes an impact on MARS fore-head and causes her to bleed profusely.
AKUMA didn't stop his rampage he turned to Edward and blew his arm off using the "HADOU-KEN" move! Edward lied on the ground hurt from the blast! CONAN kicked a soccer ball at AKUMAS head, but AKUMA teleported in back of him then punts CONAN'S legs, thus breaking them. Without the use of his legs CONAN realized he could be in real trouble! Though hurt he stood his ground. KENSHIN, MUGEN, and MEGA MAN all charged at AKUMA with all of there might, but was knocked down each time they attacked the evil demon! Eventually they tired while AKUMA had plenty of stamina left. KENSHIN though exhausted trys to slice AKUMA whom which is making sport of sir Ken at this point. "HA PATHETIC" the demon says as he spin kicks KENSHIN into a pile of dirt. "Right where you belong! In the S***!" AKUMA said jokingly as he set KENSHIN up for the "RAGING DEMON" everything looked to be the grimmest as it looked as thought AKUMA shall dominate this match-up!!!
"HMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM-GAH!" AKUMA unleashes his deadly "RAGING DEMON" technique on KENSHIN!!! It seemed KENSHIN after taking a brutal beating at the hands of AKUMA had not the strength to move at all. Helpless to the attack, all KENSHIN could do was lay in the mountain of rubble and await his fate. Just then AKUMA TELEPORTS after him. (*) But suddenly he came to a screeching halt!? He looked down to find that SAILOR MARS was still breathing, and not only that but she grabbed the ankle of his karate pants! AKUMA gasp words... "YOU!?! I KILLED YOU!!!! HOW DID YOU CANCEL MY TELEPORT GIRL!?!?" SAILOR MARS had a simple reply in mind, "Your an evil demon. I could sense you coming, AKUMA!" she said. She then tightened her grip on the bottom leg of AKUMA's gi, and before AKUMA could escape. "FIRE..."
"SOUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUL!!!!!!" AKUMA screamed in agony. "Gah-gah-gah GWAAAAAAAOOOOOOOOOO!!!!" (FINISHED!) the universal announcer ec coed! AKUMA was almost instantly burned into nothing-ness. The mighty fighting machine AKUMA, was ironically the first one ELIMINATED!! 1 down 6 togo. After the ordeal everyone was broken and battered, MEGA MAN and MUGEN took an advantage on EDWARD but he valiantly fought back with one arm. MEGA MAN and MUGEN brought on the double team and kept the pressure on EDWARD with a number of punishing fatal blows. EDWARD lied there on the ground as MEGA MAN charged the "MEGA BUSTER" MUGEN at the same time went for a leaping sword slash finisher. EDWARD outta desperation, does almost a break dancing kick that tilts the MEGA MAN "MEGA BUSTER" upwards! Just in time for MUGEN's jumping slash, the "MEGA BUSTER" misses ED but instead blasts-off MUGEN to outer space! MUGEN had these words to say. "OH S*%@!" As he was shot into outer space in instant vaporization! MUGEN quotes "You gotta be kidding me, you all are a load of hoarse...!" Before he could finish the line. ARGH! (FINISHED!) MUGEN losses and is the second elimination! 2 down 5 togo. MEGA MAN distracted by MUGEN'S death. Gets clotheslined by EDWARD! This brings both of them down.
Everyone lied there, making a the graphic seemingly like a war zone, bodys everywhere. EDWARD got up. CONAN miraculously got up. They traded blows with eachother, CONAN surprisingly holding his own taking advantage of EDWARD"S missing arm he jumps on ED'S head and connects with a devastating kick. MEGA MAN seized the chance, and used HIS soccer ball power-up. He then kicked it straight at CONAN, this motivated CONAN'S skill as he can out match anyone in soccer. CONAN launches it back at MEGA MAN the ball impacted the blue bombers head as he was forced to the ground. CONAN thinking he got the best of MEGA celebrates. Not noticing EDWARD sneaking up from behind. *CHOKE*
EDWARD applied a sleeper hold to CONAN. As CONAN was struggling to break free a sudden flash of light hit his eye... "Final Attack: Amakakeyru Ryu no hyameki!" CHU-CHING!!! The battle cry voiced itself outta knowhere as the deadly man-slayer lay his sword back into the sheath. A second past and the unit of CONAN AND EDWARD we're cut down from KENSHIN'S BLOW, this creates a double elimination! *falls apart* (FINISHED!) 4 down 3 togo. MEGA MAN, SAILOR MARS, and KENSHIN starred eachother down. KENSHIN made an aggressive attack on MEGA MAN knowing MARS was too weak to fight from the beating she endured from AKUMA. KENSHIN decided to trade blows with MEGA MAN! Thinking that MEGA will provide a suitable challenge. Sir Ken is not dissapointed. "Hiten Mitsarugi Style: Cuza Ryusen!" KENSHIN screamed! MEGAMAN surprisingly dodged it using a dash move. shocking KENSHIN! MEGA MAN counters with a "POWERSHOT" but KENSHIN easily side steps. This brought them to a stand still. As they felt they we're evenly matched.
SAILOR MARS injects herself into the mix. Running on pure adrenaline. She pulls off a running fireball technique on KENSHIN whom was forced to dodge. MEGA MAN aimed his blaster towards MARS as the SAILOR SENSHI approached him. MARS moving at uncanny speeds managed to dodge the "MEGA BUSTER" she hopped onto MEGA MAN'S skull forcing him down, and pulled out a spell scroll. She tosses it at KENSHIN, but KENSHIN slices it in two! MARS looks on in amazement then she saw MEGA MAN getting up. She then screamed towards to MEGA "NOW WHILE HE'S DISTRACTED!" KENSHIN said "WHAT!?" MEGA MAN thought quickly I have no choice, I'll have to use my trump guard now. MEGA MAN yelled "TORNADO HOLD" while KENSHIN was focused on MARS. Before he knew it MEGA MAN shot something under his feet and a huge whirlwind en-golfed KENSHIN. KENSHIN was thrown violantly into MARS direction. SAILOR MARS caught him on insinct. However the impact of him landing in MARS arms caused KENSHIN to whiplash and break his neck. HE dies in SAILOR MARS hands... (FINISHED!)
5 down 2 togo! Who will become the champ? At this point in the game there is only MARS left and MEGA MAN. MEGA MAN shoots "WATER BALLOON" attack thinking it will cancel MARS attack. She attempted "FIRE SOUL" but it was stopped by MEGA'S balloons. MEGA MAN dash-jumps towards MARS and blasts a "TORNADO HOLD" under MARS she escapes with bare life and counters with a fireball MEGA blocks it! MARS then performs "BURNING MANDALA!" but MEGA MAN shoots everyone of the mandala's! These two we're going toe-to-toe blow for blow!!! There battle waged from night till daybreak! They seemed even after awhile but it came down to the letter. MEGA MAN is running out of plasma. As his stamina tires out, MARS jumps on him. She goes aggressively on the attack! MEGA does n't back down. These two get into a power struggle as MEGA MAN'S "POWERSHOT" challenges MARS "FIRE SOUL!"
The two powers hit eachother as it seems depending on who wins at this point in the battle the winner maybe decided in a toss-up of who is the strongest! However as MEGA MAN is unloading on MARS and vice-a-versa, MEGA MAN runs out of PLASMA! "AHH!" MEGA MAN yells as MARS fire is about to claim his life. SAILOR MARS hits MEGA with the full blast of her "FIRE SOUL!" At first MARS thought that was game and match set! But when the smoke cleared MEGA MAN was STILL standing. SAILOR MARS hit a second "FIRE SOUL!" It connects! MEGA MAN crys, "AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!" and explodes! Into bitter nothing-ness! (FINISHED!) The fire smothered every part of him! SAILOR MARS almost passes-out and falls onto the ground. SAILOR MARS is victorious!
"Heh, heh, I did it... Did you see Usagi-chan?" Just then she looked around her, the land that her, and the fallen opponents whom which she was fighting on moved! It was an earthquake! Title waves came roaring, and tornados we're abroad. MARS looked as though she was finished! However There was one chance for her. As the current winner of the bout, MARS was givin' a free pass at outside help from her friends, to get back to her own universe. Any of the combatants would have been allowed this opportunity under winning conditions. This rule taking effect a portal opened and SAILOR MOON, SAILOR JUPITER, SAILOR MERCURY, and SAILOR VENUS came through the portal. REI! They gasped! MARS replied Usagi "You idiot! What took ya?" *smiles*. SAILOR MOON spoke... "Don't scare us like that! I was worried sick!" *crys* "SAILOR MOON you ditz." MARS answered.
SAILOR MERCURY brought out her mini-CPU she explained the only way they could leave is by the "SAILOR TELEPORT" but SAILOR MARS was too weak, bruised, and, battered to teleport. MARS got up and with the will to succeed. MERCURY told her the stress could kill her. But MARS did'nt care. MARS talked. "We are... ALL GOING TO MAKE IT OUT ALIVE! I'll try extra hard don't worry" JUPITER said "Let's do it girls!" The Senshi yelled across the heavens! "MERCURY CRYSTAL POWER! MARS CRYSTAL POWER! JUPITER CRYSTAL POWER! VENUS CRYSTAL POWER! MOON COSMIC POWERRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR!!!!! SAILOR TELEPORT!" The Sailor Senshi teleported just before the planet blew up!
When they all got home, everyone was pooped. Rei woke up the next day not remembering anything. Though she found some sorta strange trophy like thing in her droor. She discarded, it cause she thought it to be ugly. Usagi and the others we're at the temple as LUNA was telling them about some new enemy. Minako spotted, what she would normally think is a cute guy and told the others. Rei and the gang, with the exception of Ami (shy) ran over to the guy. Usagi right behind Rei. Rei yelped "USAGI what are you doing???" Usagi replied "I'm scoping out the hunksters!"
Rei yelled at her... "YOU HAVE MAMORU WHY ARE YOU LOOKING AT THIS GUY!?" Usagi yells back... "BECAUSE I'M JUST LOOKING AT HIM! WHY DO YOU HAVE TO BE SUCH A HORRIBLE PERSOOOOOOOOON!" *Usagi sticks out tongue* Rei replies "DON'T MAKE ME CHATISE YOU!" *Rei sticks out her tongue* they have some sorta weird tongue spitting contest. The End. (^_^)
Oh BTW Miss Karou becomes a widow type women and never re-marry's. CONAN gets fired from the Jr. Detective squad do to the fact that he's not there. The team of MUGEN, GENE, & FU. Just became GENE & FU and without MUGEN around FU falls head over heels for GENE they get married and start a family, but still penniless. Roll grieves the death of her fallen brother and goes renegade. Al searches for answers on his own, and goes back for to lessons from the teacher. BIRDIE, GUILE, CHUN-LI, CAMMY, KEN, RYU, BISON, and all the rest of the "Street Fighters" feel the passing chill of AKUMA'S death. The most feared Street Fighter has fallen. "I WILL BE BACK!" the wind ec-coed.
Stay tuned next time viewers, for "Anime Wars" part 2! Coming atcha!
Anime Wars 2