May 13, 2014 12:41

Since there's a lot of other stuff going on in LJ fandom around this time and we have a few deadline concerns, I'm shifting the schedule a little bit.

Rough drafts are now due June 14th. This gives you all an extra week. Keep in mind that a rough draft is all it has to be. As long as there are 3k words or more in there, you have a beginning, most of the middle, and an end, you're golden. You can have some middle scenes sketched-in and rush the ending for all I care; I just need to know that you have a clear plan and the finish line in sight. Posting will run from July 7th through the 12th, with 2 teams posting each day. This is so that we don't interfere too much with the darkangel_bb schedule, and gives you about 3 weeks after drafts are due to get your story polished and betaed. Hopefully this works out for everyone. If the new dates are going to be a problem for you, don't hesitate to speak up.

Check-ins! Authors, all you have to do is hustle over here and click on the poll; easy peasy! Artists, please poke your authors to make sure they've checked in. We need a response from everyone by May 17th, or we're assuming they've dropped out. For those needing help or worried about making the deadline, leave a comment, PM or e-mail us with the details in addition to answering the poll, and we'll see what we can do to help.

Also, it's nearing that time where people might be searching out betas or people to discuss plot issues with. If you need a beta, don't forget to check the beta sign-up post. And maybe think about signing up yourself. If you're willing to swap fics with someone-e.g. beta a fic in return for having yours betaed-sign up and make a note of that in your comment. If you only have time to beta a fic of a certain length-say, 5k or less-sign up and make a note of that in your comment. The general discussion post is also still open, and will remain so until the end of the challenge. Ask canon questions, seek out a cheerleader, throw your worries into the ether and wait for reassurance/concrit-just use it for whatever inspiration you might need. If you're shy you can always post anonymously. We just want to encourage everyone to help each other out.

As of now we have exactly zero pinch-hitters signed up. We're crossing our fingers that no one drops out but we all know that's not exactly fool-proof, so if you think you can spare the time, please help.

Questions/concerns? Comment here, PM dareversebbmod or e-mail

Hope your collaborations are all going well so far!

! mod: misc. info/reminders, ! mod: 2014

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