is it here yet is it here yet?

Nov 13, 2010 18:28

Dear Yuletide Santa:

Well, hi! This is my first Yuletide so I'm not sure how to do this right, but I'd like to start off with thanking you for attempting to write something for me, and to apologize for my nonsensical, unorganized rambling to which you're going to be subjected.

All right, to begin, I'm very easy to please. The prompts I wrote are just some things I would want to see, but for any of these fandoms, anything from character introspection pieces to fluffy make-your-teeth-hurt romance to AU to angst would make me absolutely delighted.

On that note, there are a few things that I'm not really into: non/dub-con, incest, or really any form of discrimination that's blatantly out of character (by which I mean that some characters are, obviously, fallible and can say some very insensitive things; just don't go overboard.) Also, I'm not a slasher. I don't have any problems with it, but it doesn't do anything for me. Rating doesn't matter to me, just no PWP please.

And this is a blanket statement for all of my fandoms: one thing I like about the ships and characters in my fandoms, male and female, is that they're all pretty tough and assertive; so while I realize that what is or is not in character is subjective, just keep that in mind and I'll be a happy camper. :)

Now by fandom!

And Simon as well, of course. As I'm writing this prompt shortly after 2x01 and the series will be over, or at least almost over, by the time the fic is posted, you can incorporate (or not!) any new canon as you see fit. I'd love a Kelly/Nathan piece-if not when they get together at least leading up to it. This could be hilarious or angsty. And if not that, it'd be cool to see Alisha/Curtis finding creative ways to have sex.

Honestly, I would love anything; those were just examples. Introspection pieces, gen, or even LucyPOV or SallyPOV or SuperhoodiePOV. I love everything about this show, so I just know I'll love fic about any of it. :)

Canon reference: noitherful on Youtube has uploaded the whole first series (link brings you to 1x01). I think they'll do the second series as well.

10 Things I Hate About You (movie)
I would absolutely love to see fic where Katerina and Patrick broke it off before she went to Sarah Lawrance (whether for an amiable purpose or not) and they come into contact by chance years later. Bianca and Cameron can be tertiary characters (or not, whichever you'd like).

Of course, I'm not picky, so if you're having trouble with that you can really do anything you want. Sister bonding pieces, gen, different stages of Kat/Pat, etc. are always welcome.

Canon reference: the movie is on Youtube.

Kerrigan/Raynor is my first love-honesty, I would love fic for any point in their relationship-but character studies of them or secondary characters would be awesome too.

I seriously have very little to add here. There is very little fic for this fandom, and the books aren't any good so far, so I'd be fine with anything. I've played through Wings of Liberty and am fine with any spoilers, so you don't have to worry about any of that.

Canon reference (all Youtube):
Starcraft I: Cutscenes, briefings, and scripted mission outtakes.
Brood War: Same as above.
Starcraft II: Cinematics.

I'm dying for any Nathan/Elena fic set during any point of their relationship. I've played through Among Thieves. If not, gen or friendship fics with any of the other characters (especially Sully) would be totally awesome.

Reaaaally nothing to add here. Exactly as it says in the prompt. This game is one of my favorites and I couldn't help but fall in love with these two.

Canon reference: all cutscenes on Youtube, Uncharted I, Uncharted II. If you don't want to watch them all at once, you can do a search for "Uncharted Cutscenes" and you'll get a lot of results.

Oh my god I am so excited. Catch you on the other side! <3


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