!!! Someone (Anonymous) has given mommy a chance to spoil her brain with pretty by allotting 100 user pics. OMG! The email says "Anonymous" but if you're out there, Anonymous..."Thank you!"
-rubs hands as she spies janto icons and for one particular one from
veta_black, hint hint hint, lol-
Comments 5
Meanwhile, any other suggestions/elements of what you want will help me do it quicker. :3 I've been thinking of using s2 footage because of the setting but if you'd like s3 pics... Well, I can do several options and let you pick what you like, but as far as "what it would say"/if you'd WANT text...
Anyway, I just think 'pretty' Janto. Season 2 I guess as "Eye" is about season 2. Honestly, that's all I can come up with. Anything more specific, I feel greedy and honestlyI really can't think of anything besides pretty (lol).
So, reconnecting, starting over?
1. always there for you
2. unrelenting (which could mean Janto or the...bad guys)
3. haunted :X, not saying why though LOL
4. family
5. memories
6. changes (good or bad)
Does that help? :)
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