More Right Wing Bigotry (Or What the BNP Did Next)...

Nov 24, 2010 23:17

So, whilst one UKIP member seems to have forgotten the Second World War finished sixty five years ago, what are the rest of the UK's right wing nutjobs up to?

Well, their website seems carries a major news story. Yes, it appears that they have discovered something remarkable. Apparently the Equalities and Human Rights Commission has been spending money on promoting equality and human rights. What a scandal!

"The Equality and Human Rights Commission (EHRC) has spent at least £25 million of its £210 million taxpayer-funded budget over the last three years on organisations promoting lesbian, homosexual, transgender, refugee, black, and ethnic interests - but nothing on heterosexual white British people.", they fume. Then they go on to list some of the projects that the EHRC has funded, which apparently they disagree with. Which is where things get interesting.

Alongside numerous of the local Race Eqaulity Councils ('cos obviously working toward racial equality isn't something the BNP are interested in), and the North of England Refugee Service, a few of the other projects listed include:

Derbyshire Friend Lesbian Gay Bisexual Transgender,

The Lesbian Gay Foundation,

London Discrimination Unit,

Centre for Equality and Diversity,

Consortium of Lesbian Gay Bisexual and Transgender voluntary and Community Organisations.

Now what's interesting is two fold. Firstly, it seems that the BNP isn't that keen on spending money promoting LGBT issues. So it seems there are some white, British people they don't like (in addition to Guardian journalists, EHRC employees, their own members and anybody who disagrees with them). Sorry to those of you who are gay, lesbian, bisexual or transgender - you could have a family tree stretching back to Alfred the Great, and have a personal reference signed by Oswald Moseley, but, according to the BNP, that still doesn't mean you should benefit from the taxpayer's money!

Secondly, they don't seem to have done their homework very well. Let's Google one of those groups:

"The London Discrimination Unit advises and provides information on all types of discrimination. It is part of the Lambeth Law Centre."

Yup, all types of discrimination. That'll include discrimination on the grounds of age, religion and disability, and appears to be open to anyone, of whatever colour or nationality in Lambeth. So sorry if you happen to be an aged white, Lambeth, Christian left in a wheelchair as a result of wounds sustained in the army, the BNP (who are always keen to stress how much they support "Our Boys" in the services), don't think the taxpayer should be helping to fund your legal queries.

It is notable that they don't seem to be openly complaining about any money going to groups that obviously aim at tackling age, religious or disability discrimination - presumably, because they think that some of their support, might be old, or have a disability, or be religious, when funnily enough they don't seem to have that many gay, or black members...

Of course, some might say the BNP has just the teensiest of ulterior motives for slagging off the EHRC right now...
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