Damn. Do you think you could cram in a little more guilt as to a decision a woman makes about her own body and life? Seriously. If you don't agree with me, fine, but what's next...they leave you alone in the room with an empty cradle? I could be more grotesque with my comments. Believe me, I'm reining in a little.
Don't continue if you don't like graphic comments. No joke.
Or maybe they leave you alone with the vaccuum you just filled? Hmm? Guilt, guilt, guilt. Any woman who goes through this has been put though the wringer emotionally about 52 times already. Yes, I know what I'm talking about. Sometimes, this is a responsible choice. As one woman said to me, "I can't get financial assistance until after the birth, because it isn't a person yet. The government says it's not a person yet, and I agree."
Or the other great comment, "If you want me to have it, you can babysit every day while I go to work. NO? Then stay out of my business."
It's grotesque, but it will happen everywhere, I'm sure. Let me be the first to put out a wonderful evil comment in response. "Oh, you want me to have the picture? Neat! I need a a new dartboard picture."