In looking for a new game and something to do with my non-existent spare time I tried downloading and playing "Fallout Shelter" on the droid. From the family of Fallout, Las Vegas this was a handheld game of building and managing resources, etc
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Comments 3
IF you are on android and
IF you are willing to give them information
There is an app called Google Surveys, where they give you playstore credit for answering questions. Most of it is to target adverts better to you - they are up front about that. Some surveys you don't get credit for, but they're relatively rare (they come in spurts but go away again.)
I currently have $11+ sitting on my phone, but I haven't gotten my tablet (that I put down for 8 months) to get noticed again, so I can't buy more cross stitch pictures. (That's become my "i need to shut my brain off NOW" task in the last couple of months.)
(Over at DW these days, LJ is a bit too stalinist these days.
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