Drabble meme from Sam cc

Sep 23, 2011 10:01

1) Give me a pairing.

2) Give me an AU setting.

3) I will write you a three-sentence fic.

fanfic, meme, pairing

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Comments 4

sam_cc September 23 2011, 17:16:43 UTC
Yuugi/Anzu, both working at Burger World.


cypsiman2 September 23 2011, 17:55:41 UTC
When Yuugi first started at Burger World, his intention was simply to make sure that none of the customers got 'touchy' with her. Unfortunately, Yuugi had been so zealous in his noble chivalry that he'd failed to consider the challenge of doing the same while she was in that tight little uniform of hers. And if Yuugi didn't know better, if he weren't fully aware of his hormone-riddled imagination, he'd swear she didn't mind the effect she had on him at all.


sam_cc September 23 2011, 17:59:14 UTC
Awww, Yuugi! XD And I bet she doesn't mind really. ;D


(The comment has been removed)

cypsiman2 September 23 2011, 17:57:52 UTC
"You're sure this place doesn't serve snails?"

"It's Escargot you cultural boob," Mai said with an exasperated sigh, "and no, they don't."

"Good, 'cause who needs those slimy things ruining a romantic meal like this one, am I right?"


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