Wakfu, season 2, episode 9

May 05, 2011 11:36

That was fun. A lot of a lot of fun. But, I do sincerely hope that this will be the last time that we get sidetracked by Sadlygrove. Because seiously, seven of the past nine episodes have either been about him, or cleaning up the mess he made of things. Would be nice if we could get back on track and remember that Yugo's the main character, yes ( Read more... )


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Comments 4

angelchan_2004 May 5 2011, 18:39:42 UTC
I agree. I mean, I love Pinpin to death, but... they seem to be pushing him to the foreground a bit more than I would like.


cypsiman2 May 5 2011, 18:48:47 UTC
I mean, season 1 didn't have this issue, so it's a bit vexing that they're having a little trouble keeping character focus balanced now.

Also, I'm working on a Wakfu fic, but I'm having a lot of trouble with it; would you like to see what I've got so far, maybe offer some advice on what I should add or change?


angelchan_2004 May 8 2011, 21:08:00 UTC
I think part of it is, with his death, they saw just how popular he was. If that makes sense? So they end up using him a bit more. Ankama might also be using him a bit more as an apology for killing him off, pfff.

And sure! I'm sorry for the late reply, life ate my soul. D: You can drop me a PM or send it to angelchan2004@yahoo.com


cypsiman2 May 8 2011, 21:34:29 UTC
That would make sense; hopefully the feedback they're getting tells them to dial Grovy's screentime back a notch or three. Hopefully.

It's no problem, life ate me for the better part of yesterday. I'll be sending you a PM in just a bit.


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