The librarian did look at me a bit oddly with this lot (I also stuck in Diana Wynne Jones’ The Homeward Bounders as a more cheerful re-read, but didn’t get around to it). I have written three thousand words of essay about all of this, so this will be significantly shorter. Hopefully.
Williams, P., & Wallace, D. Unit 731: The Japanese Army's secret of secrets. )
Comments 2
That sounds really fascinating, and am both surprised and unsurprised to have never heard about it.
It was rather successfully buried (there is increasing acknowledgement of it in Japan, albeit not at an official level), and the part of the US military that was researching biological warfare at the time and that was involved in the deal now has a nice shiny website that mentions none of it. One of the reasons I ended up doing this mostly through books was that poking around on websites looking for information on biological warfare research, no matter how historical, got me to some rather odd places and I was a bit worried about ending up on someone's search list...
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