rewatching the BSG mini, some not-very-deep reactions

Jan 20, 2008 00:15

I'd only seen the mini once, back months ago. I had the experience of re-watching it tonight with two friends, the one who saw it with me originally and her husband, who's been avoiding BSG until now. I think it's because it's right up his alley, and he's afraid he'll be obsessed. (He watched Firefly for the first time over Christmas break. The ( Read more... )

fandom: bsg: s1, lee adama is my woobie, galen tyrol needs to marry me, saint helo

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Comments 15

cujoy January 20 2008, 14:13:33 UTC
My Aaron Douglas/Galen Tyrol crush is getting out of hand. I might have to upgrade him to the inner circle of my fangirl protection (with Anders, Lost's Desmond, and Supernatural's Sam).

Wow, that's pretty darn close to my fangirl inner circle of protection too, except I'd add The 4400's Shawn. (And I'm sure that if I still watched Lost, I'd probably be a Desmond girl too.)

And watching the Mini always reignites my Chief love. The Chief is everywhere, doing everything. That scene where he's stripping Boomer, and the two of them are reciting lines together about stripping "every machine on my hanger deck" totally give me giggle fits now. The awesomeness of Mini series Chief knows no bounds. (And yes, it is interesting that the first person to meet Leoben is Chief.)

(On the note of sweaty men I'd like to porn, I won't even mention that I missed Anders. Because I didn't, not really, not with everything going on. Except I did. I know him now, so it doesn't matter that he's not there, then. I'm thinking about the whole show in ( ... )


greycoupon January 20 2008, 19:06:52 UTC
In an earlier draft of the script Lee was even more of a bitch to Tyrol. He made a comment about how the deck crew should be careful with his Viper since it was a Mark VII which is new then they are used to dealing with.

Yeah, toning it down some was a good idea.


cynthia_arrow January 21 2008, 20:11:49 UTC
Yes. V. good idea, indeed!


cynthia_arrow January 21 2008, 19:58:18 UTC
See, I'm a weird Anders girl, because I'm totally a Lee fangirl, too. He's precisely the kind of character I always fall for (even in bitch mode in the mini). Sam's actually not. It's kind of bizarre that I love him as much as I do. I think it really boils down to shipping Kara with him more than I ship her with Lee. I like Lee better as his own character, outside of a (desctructive, insane) relationship.

I've been on a major Caprica occupation kick with my writing lately, so the mini just fueled the fire for it. Anders taking charge, stepping up, organizing, gathering survivors. *sighs* Yes. And being totally hot about it. :)

I don't think I understood the awesomeness of the Chief/Boomer the first time around. I'll be sure to appreciate it properly if I do any more rewatching. :)

I always thought Billy should have been in the final five. *misses Billy*


alissabobissa January 20 2008, 16:54:56 UTC
DUDE! I watched the mini again last night too!

I noticed a lot of fun things this time around as well, but I'll go from your stuff just to make it more simple. :)

He's frakkin' adorable running around the hanger deck, bickering with Starbuck, standing up for his men. I mean, honestly, the way I hated Tigh back then, you'd've thought I would have fallen for Chief simply because he looked Adama in the eye and called Tigh a son of a bitch
Man, Chief was all over the place in this one just a-yellin' all hotly and gettin' choked up over his men. *sigh* I loves me some Aaron Douglas so much.

Oh, Lee.I'm just gonna stop you right there and, oh frak it, LEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE! Heee, sorry. It can't be contained ( ... )


cynthia_arrow January 21 2008, 20:05:11 UTC
DUDE! I watched the mini again last night too! How weird.

Yeah, yeah, yeah. I always knew Starbuck was awesome. I just forget how awesome from time to time in my bug dumb woobie obsession. You know, I loved her so much in the mini that her hair didn't even bother me. ;)

Oh, Lee. Maybe that is why we think he loses his Leeness in season two after the Peegy shows up: he is no longer needed to mediate in between them. Papa and Roslin are such a strong team at that point and after that Lee has nothing to do, nowhere to go. I hadn't thought about it like that before. Perhaps you're right. I hadn't thought about it in terms of his ability to negotiate, to see the big picture. This is why he's supposed to be a politician or a lawyer...or the person who mediates between his crazysauce star pilot and the rest of the world. I know I've said it before, but I really think he's only a good CAG if Starbuck's there to be Starbuck.


alissabobissa January 22 2008, 05:20:53 UTC
You know, I loved her so much in the mini that her hair didn't even bother me. ;)
Now that is true love. I too find it easy to see past the butch and the bad hair in the mini and just focus on the awesomeness of Starbuck. :D

I know I've said it before, but I really think he's only a good CAG if Starbuck's there to be Starbuck.
Ya know, he's really only a good Lee if Kara is there to be Kara. Oh wow, that was a bit much. Sorry non-shipper.


cynthia_arrow January 22 2008, 05:51:36 UTC
If by "good Lee" you mean frakkin' martyr, then, yes. ;)

I really, really thought she was fabulous in the mini. I found myself loyal to her in ways that I normally only feel loyalty to male charcters.

You know, I think part of the problem with me and the Starbuck love is that I'm normally much more loyal to big dumb boys than badasses with a heart of gold. Jack > Sawyer. Sam > Dean. Lee > Starbuck. Which is not to say I don't love the badasses, too. Unfortuantely, my love for them often hinges on how much they're persecuting the big dumb boys. I resent the hell out of Dean and Sawyer all the time. Why should Starbuck be any different? :)

(I think I ♥ martyrs, in general. Hence the Gaius Baltar love...)


part two. damnit, I'm wordy today alissabobissa January 20 2008, 16:56:09 UTC
I noticed this time that he was the first to make humanity's survival all about numbers. Saving tens of thousands by leaving behind thousands is a tough call, but he makes it first and the president is on the same page from the start. I like that he has his convictions about the survival of humanity that frakking early. Oh Lee.

I second the Roslin awesomeness. Damn, when Doral asks who put her in charge and she responds how she does, WHEW! And Lee saying, "The lady's in charge," I cheered for my Lee and for Roslin. :D

And Colonel Tigh, who I used to revile... Knowing what I know now and believing in his inner strength, I have untold affection for his drinking and frakking up. Of course, I still put my hands over my face and say, "Jesus Christ, don't leave the drunk in charge of Galactica!"Heeeee! And YES! That fight with Starbuck -- man, I grinned through all of it. But yes, don't leave the drunk in charge of Galactica. He can make the tough calls that need to be made but he's definitely not cut out to lead the whole ( ... )


Re: part two. damnit, I'm wordy today cynthia_arrow January 21 2008, 20:09:16 UTC
I noticed this time that he was the first to make humanity's survival all about numbers. Very intersting. Thus solidifying my sudden notion that I should write a futurefic where he's like vice president or something.

Col. Worst-Case-Scenario? Can I call him that from now on? :)



Re: part two. damnit, I'm wordy today alissabobissa January 22 2008, 05:26:22 UTC
Col. Worst-Case-Scenario? Can I call him that from now on? :)
You have my leave to call him thus. Or Col. Gloom-and-Doom Tigh, as I have called him for some time now. :)


greycoupon January 20 2008, 19:10:13 UTC
Damn you. Now I have to go rewatch the mini-series.

Excellent oberservations. It is funny to go back and watch how it all started.

Oh, Helo. So much ended up happening because you made a simple, selfless choice.

I always wanted some kind of discussion on screen between him and Baltar about this. Even Baltar just saying thanks. Giving I don't think he knows the meaning of the word. Ah well.

Poor Kara, already so tortured and things are just getting started.

Yes, loved Dee. She was awesome. I guess I i will be writing my Dee meta. Billy... you were so sweet and honest.


cynthia_arrow January 21 2008, 20:11:22 UTC
Damn you. Now I have to go rewatch the mini-series. :)

Giving I don't think he knows the meaning of the word.

There's something about self-absorption and a sense of entitlement that tends to make giving difficult. :)


demonqueen666 January 20 2008, 23:27:02 UTC
Oh god, yes. Just...yes. I've been rewatching parts of a lot of earlier episodes this week because I've gotten back into vidding, and it just kills me how far these characters have come. This is why I occasionally forget to remember they're fictional sometimes. This is it exactly.

I think Ragnar Leoben is not the Leoben we come to know and be freaked out by later in the series...I always assumed the Leoben from "Flesh and Bone" is the one that winds up Kara's stalker, and that he's a different Leoben than the Ragnar one. Also, I believe it's strongly implied if not outright stated that something about Ragnar fraks with a Cylon's system and makes downloading impossible, ergo Ragnar Leoben died and actually stayed dead.

Memo to season four Jesus!Baltar: please to be cutting your hair (and washing it) soon. You used to be so hot, darling.



cynthia_arrow January 21 2008, 20:15:53 UTC
I didn't think Kara's Leoben was the Ragnar Leoben, but that's the kind of thing I don't pay attention to. I can only tell Boomer for the 8s and Caprica from the 6s because the show makes a point of differentiating them. Anything requiring sluething on my own, and I'm not likely to pick up on it.

I miss season one Baltar's hair. I really, really do. And all the imaginary sex. ;)


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