Yu-Gi-Oh GX & Digimon Adventure 02: Bond To Angel, Bond To Demon: Chapter 1

Mar 22, 2017 23:31

Title: Bond To Angel, Bond To Demon
Characters: Piemon, Yuusuke, Honest||Romance: Non-romantic Piemon x Yuusuke, Taichi x Yamato/Yamato x Taichi, Ken x Daisuke/Daisuke x Ken
Chapter Word Count: 1,530||Story Word Count: 1,530||Chapter Count: 1/50
Genre: Fantasy, Drama||Rated: PG-13
Challenge: Diversity Writing, K19, a crossover where both fandoms are AUs; Word Count Set Boot Camp, #44, 79,372; Chapter Set Boot Camp, #20, 50 chapters (YGO); Chapter Set Boot Camp, #41, 50 chapters (Digimon); Include The Word Boot Camp, #15, wonder (YGO); Include The Word Boot Camp, #48, strap (Digimon); Digimon Non-Flash Bingo, #372, once upon a time; GX Non-Flash Bingo, #103, Fujiwara Yuusuke; Epic Masterclass, Crossover Cosmos (Digimon Adventure 02 & GX); Mixing Bag of Challenge Prompts Bingo, #7, Crossover Challenge, Digimon Adventure/02 & YGO GX; Pairing Diversity Boot Camp, #32, impurity (Digimon & YGU); Advent 2015-2016, write a crossover (Digimon & GX); New Year's Mini-Advent 2015-2016, Valentine's Day to White Day 2015-2016, day #24, write about a brainwashing/trickery
Notes: This takes place in an AU that is based on my breed-verse with the concepts of human and Digimon being able to interbreed and Piemon being father to two sons, and other such things. It is also a fantasy/supernatural creature AU. While Taichi/Yamato and Ken/Daisuke will be indicated, they are not the major focus. The relationship between Piemon & Yuusuke will involve quasi-consensual intimacy (sex) but not necessarily romantic love. Piemon is Piemon, after all.
Summary: Yuusuke searches for his spirit partner Honest, and finds a trail leading to a mysterious castle, where Piemon rules. Piemon offers him shelter for the night, as well as an assist in his search. But there is much more going on than meets the eye, and Yuusuke's not leaving until he finds what brought him here.

I wish shadow magic included being able to avoid getting soaked in the rain.

Yuusuke ducked underneath the spreading branches of a tree - it was far too dark for him to tell what kind of a tree it was - and rubbed his eyes, trying to get some kind of an idea of where he was. He’d stepped out of the shadows right into a downpour and while he knew where he’d wanted to go, he couldn’t be certain if he’d actually ended up there.

This would be so much easier with Honest around. He sighed. If Honest were there, he wouldn’t have any reason to be out here in the first place.

He closed his eyes, trying and failing to ignore the downpour, and stretched out his mage-senses for what seemed he thousandth time. Honest should be there; everything he’d tried told him that this was the area, but he couldn’t pin it down more than that.

And that was all that he got this time as well. A strong sensation - granted one stronger than all the others - that his spirit companion wasn’t that far away.

It wouldn’t be the first time that he’d sensed this and found out he was wrong. The tie that bound them together remained strong, but using it to track him down wasn’t one of Yuusuke’s better skills.

He peered out once again, welcomed this time by a crack of lightning bright enough to illuminate half the area. It also showed something much closer than he would’ve thought it could be otherwise: a castle perched on a mountain cliff.

Shelter. Better than hovering under a tree. Maybe he could even get some food there. He’d brought some with him, but walking into this deluge meant he had no idea whatsoever if he’d still be able to eat it or not.

And if he were very luck, then whoever lived there might even have some information about Honest.

Yuusuke wasn’t going to count on it, but it was worth trying, at the least.

Gathering himself up as best that he could, he marched out into the rain, wincing at the chilly prickles that swept through him. If he’d known the area better, he would’ve just shadowstepped right over to the castle. But without knowing where he was going, he could end up on a different continent instead of someplace so relatively close.

He couldn’t guess at how long it would take him to get there. He could only keep going, trusting that every step would bring him that much closer.

A battered road, one not very often used, wound up the side of the mountain, leading to the castle. Yuusuke bit his lip, thinking.

Either they don’t get out much here, or they can fly, or there's no one there at all.

Well, if no one was there, then he’d at least be able to get in out of the rain, presuming the castle remained in good enough repair. The other options were better, but he refused to get his hopes up too high.

The closer he got to it, the more convinced he was that the occupants could either fly or just didn’t use the road to go wherever they needed to. Lightning gave him just enough glimpses of the building itself for him to see that there weren’t any broken windows and the place itself seemed sound enough. There were even lights in some of the windows, a steady glow that meant mage-lights to him.

If there were mages there, that gave him even more hope to find some help in his search. So he carried on.

A tall figure loomed up out of the shadows, and Yuusuke stopped in his tracks. A flicker of lightning illuminated a warrior of some kind, or so Yuusuke guessed what the armor-coated being was. He couldn’t see if they had weapons of any kind, but better safe than sorry at the moment.

“Who comes here?” The voice didn’t tell him much more, since it hung in between what a woman or a man’s might be.

“Just someone who wants in out of the rain, if I can.” He held off on mentioning his search for Honest just yet. That could come later.

The guardscreature said nothing else for a handful of moments, but Yuusuke saw something or someone scurrying off. Then the warrior gestured abruptly.

“Come in this way. Our lord will determine if you will enter from here or not.”

That didn’t surprise Yuusuke. He gladly moved in out of the rain, wiping his face off, and trying to catch his breath. He shuddered again in the cold and hoped this would end at least with a place in a heap of straw. Most nobles offered minimal hospitality to travelers: unless they had some kind of prejudice against mages in the first place. But surely a place with mage-lights wouldn’t have that?

Another quick, scurrying movement, and he still couldn’t get a glimpse of who or what it might be. What he could tell was that they came right up to the guardscreature, whispered something, and swished off again.

He’d been set in a small alcove, likely a place just for guards to catch their breath out of the rain or snow. It gave a view of the area, though in this weather, it wasn’t much of one. It didn’t help when the guardscreature moved closer to him.

“Piemon-sama has allowed you to enter the castle for the duration of the storm. Go that way.” One armored hand gestured toward a door visible only when another mage-light lit itself on top of it. “You will be met by someone on the other side and they will guide you to guest quarters.”

Yuusuke didn’t actually sigh in relief, but he came quite close. “Thank you.” He hoped he’d have the chance to speak with this ‘Piemon-sama’ to tender his thanks in person. For now, he hurried toward the indicated door and looked forward to warmth.

Warmth he found indeed on the other side, along with a broad corridor of fine marble with tapestries hung on both sides, a finely woven rug on the floor, and mage-lights along the way. The tapestries depicted scenes of nature, calm pools of water surrounded by tall trees, rugged mountains, oceans with the moon shining down on them, and finely tended gardens with flowers of far more types than Yuusuke could identify. Clearly this Piemon-sama was a being of great wealth.

Down the corridor toward him there came a human probably around his own age. At least he looked human; there were plenty of spirits and other beings who looked human but weren’t. One could never be absolutely certain. But he gave a courteous nod to the newcomer nevertheless; this was more than likely the guide the guards-creature mentioned.

“So you’re the guy the storm blew in?” This human, if he were, sported a wild head of brown hair and large brown eyes as well. He gave Yuusuke a quick look. “Well, come on. It’s this way.”

Yuusuke hurried in the other’s wake, trying to form some answers. “Yes. I wasn’t expecting weather like this, though.”

The servant cast a quick look back at him. “The storm’s been going on for a couple of days.”

Yuusuke managed not to wince. He didn’t know how. But at least he knew how to answer. “I travel by magic. I’m not even certain of where this is.”

The other blinked a time or two, then laughed a little. “He’s going to want to talk to you, I’m sure. He likes talking to mages. But you’re in Piemon-sama’s castle. He rules a very big territory, but he never bothered to give it a name. It’s just his place.” He shrugged. “I’m Taichi.”

“Fujiwara Yuusuke,” Yuusuke replied automatically. “Why does he like talking to mages?”

“He just does.” Taichi led him up a set of stairs and down a corridor, then stopped in front of a door. “The storm’s supposed to clear up probably in another day or two. So you can stay here until then. There’s a hot bath waiting, and if you need fresh clothes, let me know. Dinner will be in another hour or so and you’re invited.”

Yuusuke nodded; clearly their lord was also a very generous being. He somewhat looked forward to meeting him in person. “I think I will need clothes. I think the ones I have with me are soaked.”

“We’ll get them taken care of.” Taichi promised. “Put anything you want us to deal with in the basket you’ll find in there. I’ll come back to get you for dinner.”

Yuusuke nodded, turning toward the door, which opened the moment he did so. If he hadn’t seen this in his mage-school, he might’ve been surprised. As it was, he hurried inside and started to unpack, thoughts of longing toward that hot bath and the promise of a hot dinner as well.

He really had had better luck than he’d thought he would. fNow if he could get lucky enough that Piemon-sama or someone else here might know of where Honest was, then all of his questions would be answered.

To Be Continued

Notes: I changed my mind on the Shunanigans fic...at least for now. I may write it at some point, but this one called me more when I gave time to thinking about it. So, this may be an important project for me for the rest of 2017. At least a majority of it, I'm sure. But I do hope that you like it and let me know what you think.
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