I thought it was time for a non-googlable quiz again, so I opted to go for one of
if0x's music intros quizzes (the guy comes up with some pretty cool ideas!)
In the .zip file below are .wma files of 10 intros to modern(ish) songs. Identify the song and the artist of each to get points, one point each (maximum 20 points). All comments are screened to prevent cribbing. I will update the roll of honour from time to time and publish the answers either late on Monday or on Tuesday morning next week.
Here is the .zip file You can either save it to your local drive (recommended) or open it from source, which takes longer.
If you want to listen to each intro individually or cannot open zip files, the links for each intro are as follows:
Intro 1Intro 2Intro 3Intro 4Intro 5Intro 6Intro 7Intro 8Intro 9Intro 10 These will open directly in Windows Media Player, if you have it on your machine. Not sure what happens for Macs, never having used one myself :-/
Roll of Honour
jessanndi - 12 points
schnurble - 12 points
davidbrider - 9 points
if0x - 8 points
hiddenhibiscus - 6 points
penguin_sensei - 5 points