Title: Will Not Remember, Cannot Forget
Author: cynicalshadows (a.k.a. Alicia)
Pairings/Characters: Chuck/Georgina, Chuck/Blair
Rating: R, also M for Mature, and D for DARK - Don't say I didn't warn you!
Chapter: 30?
Word Count: 5941
Spoilers: Season 1
Summary: We all have demons we can't escape, and even Chuck Bass had been innocent...once.
Part XXX )
Comments 23
I loved how Chuck was mad that Nate might have gotten Blair pregnant and how he should have been there for her. That was undeniably fabulous. Well, I loved everything about this but that last part with Chuck and the prostitute was heartbreaking. He is so lost and my eyes basically glazed over with tears that's how much emotion that certain part had. You write the angst and darkness so well and I LOVE it. :D
I love the thoughts and the little 'missing' scenes that make the dialogue in the ep make more sense. Awesome.
Chuck almost calling Bart! *SQUEAL* I love these boys. And he'd do it for S. *SQUEAL*
The paragraph about CN? Broke my heart. It's so true, and it's all gone! WHY!
So, now can the vdBasses move in together? Tell us how Chuck bonds with Eric? How everyone finds out about the suicide? BRING ON THE NEW BROMANCE!
Chuck's story, so it works.
I love this story so much. You capture him perfectly!
Every emotion, every sentiment, every word, everything was perfect!
I shed so many tears, he doesn't have anyone, he's all alone and Blair couldn't apologize.
i can't give you a better review cause i'm practically falling asleep on my keyboard but i just want you to know that i loved it and i'm anxious for the next chapter (:
Oh, he would so have been there for her. And it's so true, he did touch her tummy oh-so-gently :(
Beautiful retelling of the CN scene :(
The whore *okay, tears up again*
Excellent missing moments, and I love your explanation for the condoms/pills/vasectomy. Of course.
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