Birdie was born with thick brown hair, and it's only gotten longer and thicker since then. By
June, her hair was long enough to cover up the scar on her head. From there, it went all over the place. Pretty much everyone who meets her for the first time immediately comments on how long and crazy her hair is. It sticks up all over the place, particularly in the back. It's fantastic.
In the last couple of months, Birdie's bangs completely covered her forehead and started dangling in front of her eyes. We started having occasional conversations about trimming them. Today while I was napping, M decided the time had come and she took out a scissors.
When I woke up, I found that M had trimmed down the bangs. Since Birdie wasn't super cooperative during the trimming process, M got distracted and went a bit farther than she intended, giving Birdie a bit of a bowl-like hairline around the edges of her forehead. It's an adorably bad haircut. Fortunately, it'll grow back soon, and the rest of her hair continues to be long and fabulous.