Daily Reads

Dec 11, 2021 13:00

Back in January I summarized the webcomics I am currently reading daily. Moving beyond webcomics, what are my other daily/regular reads?


I currently read two different "Poem a Day" sites. I started with the Poetry Foundation iteration, and later added the Academy of American Poets variant. As you'd expect from two different sites with two different editorial stances and a wide assortment of different authors, any given day can be hit or miss, but they hit enough for me to keep coming back.


Ok, so this isn't daily. Once a week I swing by the Guardian for My Best Shot, which interviews various photographers about what they consider to be the best photo they've ever taken. I've seen a lot of great photography, read a lot of good stories, and generally enjoyed it.


I'm not quite as bad as Joe Boyd in Damn Yankees, but I do have a baseball obsession. I feed it through two primary sites. Athletics Nation is the premiere Oakland A's fansite, and one I've thought about actually joining. In the season, it has the game summaries. In the off-season, it has the hot stove. It's great.

The other baseball site I check nigh-daily is FanGraphs, and particularly the archive of Jay Jaffe, the leading expert on the Baseball Hall of Fame. His yearly series about the Hall of Fame candidates (both the writers ballot and the various committees) is always incredibly detailed and interesting to read. His other posts the rest of the year are also pretty good. Of the other FanGraphs authors, I am partial to Kevin Goldstein, who has actually worked in front offices and can demystify some of the behind the scenes stuff that happens.


There aren't any specific news sites that I visit every day. I tend to bounce around a lot. I read the The Atlantic pretty regularly. I hit Slate occasionally, although a lot of that is just because they have some great agony aunt columns. Similarly, I pop in at Vox occasionally.

Overall, the list of sites I visit daily (or almost so) is not long. Particularly with news, I tend to follow the flow and see where it takes me rather than revisit the same places over and over.

poetry, linkage, baseball

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