Big Kicks

Apr 17, 2021 09:35

Birdie's newest weird baby behavior is actually pretty funny. When she's lying on her back in her crib (which is the only way she lies because she hasn't quite figured out turning over yet), she'll elevate her legs straight up to form a 90 degree angle, and then slam them down as hard as she can. She must have really good ab muscles, because she does all this without bracing her arms, and manages to bring her feet down hard enough to rock the crib.

This kicking action makes a surprisingly loud noise, given that that she's got tiny baby legs. It's loud enough that if you were in the other room you'd be forgiven for thinking Tulip had jumped off the bed or something. As mentioned, M is a light sleeper, and this baby kick is actually loud enough to wake her up in the middle of the night. This is even more problematic because M reports that Birdie apparently does this in her sleep occasionally, meaning that M sometimes gets woken up when there's no need for her to be awake.

I have no idea if this is the one week of her life where Birdie will do this, or something that will be a regular pattern for weeks to come, but it's sure happening right now.

When I say crib, I use that interchangeably to mean any of the following:
- The pack & play in our bedroom where Birdie sleeps at night
- The crib in her bedroom that she naps in during the day and that we hope to move her to at night in a few months
- The pack & play in the living room for when we're downstairs and need to put the baby down for a bit

We also have a third pack & play that we've not even opened. The first pack & play was a baby shower gift, the second was a hand me down from one of M's friends, and the third was received after attending an online parenting class for men with the quasi-masculine name of "Dad's Boot Camp." Aside from the name, the classic was problematically sexist in that it presented some useful content inside the overarching trope of "Dad's are incompetent." On the other hand, we got a free pack & play, not that we knew that when I signed up for the class. We probably didn't it need on top of the other two, nor did we need the camouflage onesie they threw in, but we speculate that their grant money depends on giving a certain number of them away.

birdies baby book

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