In my
2016 book summary, I noted that I read relatively few comics last year. I've changed that in 2017 by plowing through the
first six volumes of Saga, which is fun and has great art but isn't an all time great. However, this did lead me to dig into what other series I read when. In other words, it's a random list!
2016 - Nothing in particular
2015 -
B.P.R.D.. I've read all of the main series, or close to it, but haven't touched Hell on Earth.
2014 -
Hellboy - I've read much of the mainline series, but not all of them.
Bone - I own them all.
2013 -
Gotham Central - I believe I read them all.
2012 -
The Boys - I read the first eight and stalled out because the library didn't have the ninth volume. Need to get back on that.
100 Bullets - Read them all.
2011 -
The Walking Dead - Read the first 9 volumes, then got bored.
2010 -
Scott Pilgrim - Read them all.
2009 -
Battle Royale - Read them all.
2008 - Nothing in particular
2007 -
Y: The Last Man - Own them all.
Sandman - read them all in the main line, and several major spinoffs, including
Lucifer. Own most of those except for the recent prequel.
Preacher - my favorite of all.
Transmetropolitan - own them all.
Flight - I own the first six.
Hellblazer - Read major half of the trades, own perhaps a quarter.
I'm not including the trades I bought of my favorite web comics, since I'd mostly read those online a day at a time and bought them solely to support the authors. I suspect I missed something major, but I'd have to go downstairs to check my collection and that seems tiring right at this moment.
To Do:
- Purge my collection of some of the chaff. I suspect I can get rid of 10-15 titles, if not more.
- Read the 7th volume of Saga, then wait impatiently for the series to progress to the point where more come out.
- Finish reading The Boys.
- Figure out what B.P.R.D, Hellboy and Hellblazer comics I haven't read and get started on those.
- Look for other fun comics to read.