August Health Update & Health Screening

Sep 15, 2014 13:00

My August diet numbers were just ok compared to July, at 7 days following the diet compared to 5 not. However, it was a moot point as we had the health screening in mid-August as opposed to last year when it was in late September. Did all this self imposed restrictions on junk food help? After all, most of my sugar was at work, and reducing the blood sugar was the goal.

In a word, no. There was no noticeable change in most of my health numbers. My weight was about the same, my cholesterol was still very good, and I snuck through a BMI waiver again. My triglycerides were down quite a bit, but that number is very volatile, or so I'm told, and down is better anyway.

The only number I've particularly been worried about is the blood sugar, which still in the pre-diabetic rate despite a dramatic reduction in sugar consumption. In fact, it has been within 105+/-5 for the past five years straight, with 100 to 110 being the pre-diabetic range. So for five years of ratings that number didn't change despite varying amounts of workouts and dietary changes. My options are either not to worry about it or to go the doctor and get put on some kind of meds. Given the general overall healthiness of my diet and lifestyle, I'm strongly inclined to the former.

The only real change I plan to make is that when this year's biking season ends due to the cold I will lift weights or something similarly different from my current cardio-centric workout. Supposedly lifting weights increases the efficiency of the sugar burning efforts of your muscles. Since I did lift weights for quite a bit of these past years, I'm not terribly hopeful, but I do enjoy lifting weights so I'll happily do it anyway.

health, health screening results

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