Opening day was cold, wet, windy and absolutely wonderful, even if Frank didn't get there until the 5th inning. North Dakotan Travis Hafner had a grand slam home run. The Tribe won, which is very unusual when I go to see them. I also gave up on Passover and had a lovely corn beef sandwich. Mmm. Corn Beef. Anyone want 3 extra boxes of matzoh?
Saw Hellboy on Friday with Sam & Heather. It was ok, but for a variety of reasons I'm too lazy to list, it is really not worth your time or money unless you are some kind of hard core comic book fan. Did see lots of lovely summer movie previews - explosions, violence and breasts were prevalent ;-) Saturday I went to see Ed Wood at CWRUFilm. It was a tad long, but quite fun. Went to that with my friend Amanda K, who was in town for Easter. The exciting news it that CWRUFilm is showing Grosse Pointe Blanke the final Saturday in April. Aw yeah.
Also Saturday, played in the 1040EZ Ultimate tourney. I'm tired, sore and sun burnt. I had a great time, even though my team got spanked in all 4 games. Spanked HARD.
The WRUW Telethon is ON!!! Give early and often!
One gripe - my car insurance rates have once again risen. Yikes. I begin to understand why people would consider driving uninsured.