Drabble: Star Trek TOS: Type Casting

Aug 29, 2010 10:39

Written for stories_100

Title: Type Casting
Fandom: Star Trek: TOS
Character: McCoy, Sulu, Uhura
Prompt: Play
Words: 100

Type Casting )

stories100, drabble, trek fic

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Comments 7

gehayi August 29 2010, 15:08:44 UTC
Who's playing Adams? (Because this HAS to be about 1776.)

Also, this made me grin rather a lot.


cyloran August 29 2010, 21:52:43 UTC
Why yes, it does indeed happen to be about 1776. :D

Personally, I'd choose Kirk as Adams.

Who would you pick?


gehayi August 29 2010, 22:22:35 UTC
Oh, definitely Kirk. He certainly knows about being obnoxious and disliked (at least by Klingons and Romulans).

I'd probably cast Uhura as Mrs. Jefferson, because she could sing "He Plays The Violin" beautifully. AND waltz.

I'm not sure who I'd get to play Abigail, though.


ja_bucc August 29 2010, 15:50:43 UTC
Okay, so... who's Richard Henry Lee??


cyloran August 29 2010, 21:53:53 UTC
Kevin Riley, of course! :D He can probably bring to the Lees of Olde Virginia the same exuberance he gave I'll Take You Home Again, Kathleen.


ja_bucc August 29 2010, 23:19:04 UTC
Lol! That works for me! :D


goodbyemyfancy August 30 2010, 21:43:48 UTC
*GALES OF LAUGHTER* Damn, I always love your drabbles - you pack a strong punch in 100 words! I was envisioning this conversation and McCoy's expressions throughout this :)

Spock playing Jefferson - *crying with laughter*!!!!


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