[CLOSED] Sight for the Sore Eyes

Dec 30, 2010 03:56

Who: Roxas and Izaya
What: Roxas wants answers and revenge.
Where: Izaya's room! (Dun dun duuun~)
When: Late night, early morning after this.
Warning: Fluff. And Izaya being Izaya.
Status: Complete

Roxas hadn't returned to his room the rest of the day once he saw that the robots had cleaned it up. It still smelled faintly of Dende's blood, and the Nobody decided to opt out of staying the night in his room. Face pressed against the surface top of a table in the living space, he could practically tick the seconds away. Everything he had seen today replayed in his mind, keeping it fresh so that when he did find his journal he would be able to write it down. It was one of those times when he could admit to himself that, yes, it was a scary thought that he could've lost Dende if the explosion was big enough. But his mind didn't wander on the purple blood stains that were absent from his room- he was thinking about the interactions he saw between Gokudera and Dende. He even made some progress gaining the other teen's trust...At least he hoped so. But there were so many questions about what he saw, and suddenly everything was black. Like a movie reel being put on screen, memories flashed in his head; some with the uncanny similarities between what he saw and others completely different...

And Roxas was up out of his chair with a dark corridor forming just next to him. He wasn't really thinking when he stepped through the darkness and into the familiar setting of another bedroom. It was even written in the slight dazed look in his expression before his eyes sought out Izaya.

[ou] izaya orihara, [ou] roxas

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