Apr 27, 2011 09:54
I'm sorry, [CPC-Candidate-Name]. You might be the most likable person in the world, but I cannot in good conscience vote for you.
The Conservatives first came to power railing against alleged corruption in the Liberal Party, but since taking power Mr. Harper has made a history of unethical conduct: the "In and Out" election campaign financing scandal (whereby they broke the law to spend more than legally allowed in a past election); covering up torture of Afghan detainees; funneling money into a Conservative-held riding under the guise of G8/G20 hosting expenses; defending Bev Oda's modification of an already-signed CIDA memo... and lest we forget, the Conservatives were found to be in contempt of Parliament for evasiveness and outright lies to committees seeking information about budget expenses (the first time any Commonwealth government has been found in contempt).
In addition, they've racked up a huge deficit (squandering a surplus left by the previous government), yet want to lower taxes, spend billions on overpriced fighter jets and prisons (regardless of fact that crime is on decline in Canada)... while slashing human rights and environmental budgets (did you know that the subsidies to oil-sands companies is now larger than the budget for Environment Canada?). We've lost international standing with the loss of a UN Security Council seat, and are constantly the target of derision by other nations for Harper's attitude towards climate talks and policy. Harper has fired good scientists who speak out against his policies, which in unconscionable to me. Harper has talked openly of dismantling our public health care system, and doesn't respect a woman's right to choose, nor likes gay marriage.
Sadly, many Canadians don't seem aware of all of this. But they should be.
So I apologize, but a vote for you is a vote for Harper's continued abuses of his power and against the ideals that I value. I've been torn about who to vote for, but I do know our electoral system is deeply flawed and needs reform. My hope is that traditional conservative voters will realize that the CPC isn't working for the best interests of Canada, and we can get a government that better reflects our ideals.
Thanks for reading.
I posted a similar entry earlier, but this is re-worded for a letter to my local paper. Feel free to use bits of it and write to your own papers!