
Jul 16, 2007 00:09

The LJ-Meet (Code:LJ-Cyb-20060715) stands closed!

Primary Location: Mocha (Road Number-7, Banjara Hills)
Secondary Location: OFD (One Flight Down - Nampally)
Diversion activity: Bid Adios to brainz who's moving out of town.

Cross-Post from angiasaa's journal; located here.
topic: Mocha meet - 200707115

Guys who showed up:

so far, so good! We're still here at mocha.. Smiling like chimps at each other. Shall upload da pics soon as i get home.

dat's da update for now. :-) see ya!
via n93

As for the pics I promised, I'll upload them and post the link here.
Watch this space: --v

Pics from cyberabad LJ-Meet conducted on the 15'th of July, 2007 are now online!!
(ref: link)

So, without further ado, here's the new permanant home of the cyberabad pic-page!


If you like clicking thumbnails to go to picture pages, click this picture!

(Click one of the images below to go to the NEW Official cyberabad Pic-Page)
angiasaa's cam
psychog's cam

I'm sorry, but brainz seems to have dumped my data and pages from his server. I finally got around to purchasing some space and well, forgive the missing archives.

Some of you might remember that this is a mighty old version of the original cyberabad picture page. If any of you have a more recent version of the page, please do forward it to me, I can't seem to locate the latest version on my hard drive. :( (talk about version control!)

Complaints.. :o) Image size is waaaaay too big. :) Shall resize and upload the big pics again. Meanwhile, I'll probably put up a poll here in cyberabad checking to see what the most requested image size is, so I'll stick to that in future. For now, you have my apologies, Can't work on anything till the weekend arrives, or post the 25th of July, '07.

  • Image sizes corrected.
  • Link to Original pictures made available (for those with uber-high resolutions!).
  • Uploaded psychog's pics too!! :o)
  • Created new sub-domain: http://cyberabad.guywise.info

update, mobile, mocha, lj meet

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