RL being a fickle and obnoxious bitch, I lost my internet minutes before I planned to post this just after midnight EST. Luckily that was at the beginning of posting day, not the end, so all is still well!
This is the story/art Master Post for my second SPN Reversebang prompt, #3004. The original author who claimed this piece was sadly unable to finish in time (see above re RL=bitch), but
think4paperinkw was kind enough to step in at the last moment as a pinch hitter.
Story Master Post link:
here Original graphic:
Final Story Banner:
Fic Title: Dear Sam, It's 10:54. From Hell
Author: think4paperinkw
Editor: letoist
Fandom/Genre: SPN, AU, horror, hurt/comfort
Pairing(s): Sam/Dean
Rating: NC-17
Word Count: 3157
Contains: graphic torture, rape, PTSD, spoilers for all season seven.
Summary: Sam's been gone for a while, and his nightmares are coming back to him without Dean to stop them, his nightmares of a time in Hell that killed him. Will they continue or will they stop?
This entry was originally posted at
http://cybel.dreamwidth.org/81459.html. Please comment there using OpenID.