Jun 25, 2008 14:02

14/07/08. Hello everyone! I have to say, this has been the best round ever. Everyone has been very considerate, and the one person who needed to drop out told me with time enough to arrange a back-up. Now, I'm hoping that doesn't mean tomorrow I'll be getting 'Sorry, but....' emails. lol

So, to all the authors who've participated in this round: ( Read more... )


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Comments 67

midnight_birth June 26 2008, 00:27:11 UTC
Hm... Are you going to keep adding to this master-list? I'm worried that it's going to get lost in my F-Page. Maybe it would be a good idea if you made a new post for every new submission with the link? I'm afraid people will not bother keep checking in back here. :( If you make a new post for every new submission it will be properly seen and reviewed. :D

If you intended to do that anyway, ignore me please. :P


leni_ba June 28 2008, 17:06:00 UTC
Yep, I'm going to keep adding to this post. Every round has only one Masterlist, you can find the link to it following the tags, from the info page, and I think there's even a 'masterlist' link in the memories *goes check*.

People simply have to check back here, because this is the only post where all the entries for the round will be posted. And the deadline is still weeks away, it's on the 15th that everybody will come. Thank you for the advise, Margot, but I'd rather not complicate things when one masterlist post has worked well for the last years.


midnight_birth June 28 2008, 18:40:19 UTC
Oh, not at all!! :D I love the fact that it works here. I was just a part of some communities in the past where it had not, and I'm thrilled to hear it does here!! This is my first year, so I didn't know. :) I'm looking forward to all the submissions, and will definitely be checking back here regularly.


deird1 July 6 2008, 22:32:55 UTC
Mine's done!

It's called "Not The Way It Works", the main characters are Fred and Lorne, and it's rated PG.


leni_ba July 14 2008, 23:52:15 UTC
Thank you! It's the first story at CyA with Lorne as a main character, you know? Shiny! And this story was for carlyinrome

That Dawn&Wes story was too cute for words. Thank you so much for writing it! That one was for scratchingpost1


(The comment has been removed)

leni_ba July 14 2008, 23:53:50 UTC
a) love the icon... *purrs* b) Thank you for writing it. The requester is chrisleeoctaves


sevendeadlyfun July 13 2008, 05:06:40 UTC
Here's mine:

Turnabout, Part 1

Turnabout, Part 2

Pairing is Spike/Angelus. Rating is NC-17


spikendru July 13 2008, 22:13:30 UTC
My fic is up:

It's called, Let's Go Kill Something!, and is S4 Spuffy, PG.


leni_ba July 15 2008, 00:08:50 UTC
Well, the title alone is tempting me to read it, and I will... later. Once I'm done with my own story. *pokes Xander*

You're writing for rahihah


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