Author List! (round 6)

Apr 22, 2008 11:52

Two things first.

1) Anonymity has always been an unwritten rule at cya_ficathon, and it's my own fault for not writing it. This once, a link to an author's work will be allowed, because it's really necessary to what she is offering to write. However, for the seventh round anonymity will be a requirement.

2) This one will be put to vote. Should participants who fail to write their assignment be allowed to re-enter 'Choose your Author'? Most of you know that I'm a very patient ficathon-mommy. If necessary, I can wait for weeks after the deadline; but what happens when the story never comes? I've had several complaints from the last couple of rounds - actually, it's one of the main reasons why CyA didn't open for over a year - and the choices are now these:

- a) Yes, they should be allowed to come back - no limits.
- b) No. If they fail once, they should go.
- c) They can be given a second chance. (Meaning: if you don't write a story, you can sign up on the next round. But if you miss that second story, you'll be banned.)

This, of course, does NOT apply to those who tell me they need to drop out before the deadline. OR to those who find their own back-up writer. ;)

PLEASE attach your vote (a, b or c) to your request. Thanks!


a) Revise your own ‘profile’. Tell me if there’s something missing or you want to change/add anything.

b) Choose THREE authors (no more, please no less)

c) Reply to this post with your requests (max. 3, one per author). Comments are screened.

- Author ##

- Author ##

- Author ##

The average request is:
Characters/Pairings you want the story to focus in.
Characters/Pairings you want in the story too.
Things you want: setting, timeline, quotes, specific objects...
Things you don’t want: characters, pairings, angst, fluff...
Extras: highest rating, genre...

Make sure the request fits the author.

- THANK YOU to everyone who said yes to the back-up question. *hugs* I hope I won't have to knock your doors, but it's a real relief to know someone can help if needed.

d) Yes, you can have the same request for two (or the three) authors.

e) I’d like your replies by Tuesday (29th) night.

f) The ‘official deadline’ is July 15th. However, you can email me the link to your betaed story and I’ll link to it from the masterlist.

Happy Choosing!

I delete authors from the list as they get four fitting requests, so please make sure your choice is still up for grabs before you post - or I'll tell you to choose again. Thank you!


Author 02

01) Genre(s): Everything
02) Genre(s) you do not write: -
03) Highest rating: As high as you wish.
04) Favourite characters/pairings: Pairings: Buffy/Angel, Buffy/Spike, Spike/Dawn, Spike/Angel, Spike/Xander, Buffy/Giles, Willow/Xander, Spike/Oz, Buffy/Riley. Charcaters (gen): Buffy, Angel, Riley, Giles, Spike, Willow, Xander, Oz. When it comes to cross-overs, will pair up any characters mentioned in gen with any main characters in the fandom being crossed over with.
05) Do you only write those characters/pairings and don't want to write anything else?: I've pretty much listed all pairings I could write or would be willing to try.
06) If there's a character/pairing you'd like to experiment with, it'd be... I experiment always. I haven't written a lot in this fandom.
07) Unconventional Pairings? Yes. I believe a few I've listed are quite unconventional.
08) Slash Pairings? Love slash more than life itself. Cannot do femmeslash, however.
09) Alternate Reality (strays from canon at one point): Yes. With relatively mild straying.
10) Alternate Universe (has very loose connections to canon or none at all. Includes 'Everyone's Human fic'): No. Absolutely no.
11) Crossovers? Yes. I will cross-over Buffy with Harry Potter, FFVII, Chronicles of Narnia or House.
12) Episode/season you would focus in it'd be: Everything. Cannot do the comics, though. Haven't read.
13) Your focus is AtS, BtVS or both? Buffy.
14) Would you include the comic-canon into your story? (Leni's note: see 12)
15) Characters/pairings you do NOT write?: Faith, Cordelia any of the potentials or Tarah. Them with anyone is a big no-no.
16) How long would your story be? Over 1500 words for sure, but I will definitely not limit myself to a maximum. Depends on how the plot develops.
17) How much do you want to be challenged? I like to be challenged. So while I wouldn't like crack, you can make the request as detailed or interesting as your mind can think it.

Author 04

01) Genre(s): Gen.
02) Genre(s) you do not write: I don't write sex, and only a smattering of romance.
03) Highest rating: PG-13
04) Favourite characters/pairings: Giles, Ethan, Spike
05) Do you only write those characters/pairings and don't want to write anything else?: No, I'll write anybody but Buffy or Dawn.
06) If there's a character/pairing you'd like to experiment with, it'd be... I don't write pairings except in the most incidental way, but I'll try most any character.
07) Unconventional Pairings? See above.
08) Slash Pairings? I can't write any graphic sex but I don't have any problem with m/m or f/f.
09) Alternate Reality (strays from canon at one point): Yes.
10) Alternate Universe (has very loose connections to canon or none at all. Includes 'Everyone's Human fic'): No
11) Crossovers? Yes. If you have a good idea that isn't HP, I'd be open to it.
12) Episode/season you would focus in it'd be: Everything.
13) Your focus is AtS, BtVS or both? Both
14) Would you include the comic-canon into your story? No.
15) Characters/pairings you do NOT write?: I can't write Buffy or Dawn except as secondary characters.
16) How long would your story be? Probably 1000 words are so.
17) How much do you want to be challenged? Something in-between.

Author 05

01) Genre(s): Gen, Angst, PWP, Drama, Crack(!)
02) Genre(s) you do not write: Romance/Fluff
03) Highest rating: NC-17
04) Favourite characters/pairings: All characters, pairings Spike/Xander
05) Do you only write those characters/pairings and don't want to write anything else?: No
06) If there's a character/pairing you'd like to experiment with, it'd be... I've actually done almost all pairings. Uhm...I dunno?
07) Unconventional Pairings? Yes
08) Slash Pairings? Yes
09) Alternate Reality (strays from canon at one point): Yes
10) Alternate Universe (has very loose connections to canon or none at all. Includes 'Everyone's Human fic'): No
11) Crossovers? No
12) Episode/season you would focus in it'd be: Season 6-7 BtVS and Season 5 StS
13) Your focus is AtS, BtVS or both? Both
14) Would you include the comic-canon into your story? Yes
15) Characters/pairings you do NOT write?: Spike/Buffy, any het Tara pairing, Angel(us)/Fred
16) How long would your story be? 1000-5000
17) How much do you want to be challenged? You dish it, I'll do it!

Author 06

01) Genre(s): romance, angst,
02) Genre(s) you do not write: humour, dark
03) Highest rating: NC-17
04) Favourite characters/pairings: Giles, Xander, Wesley, Andrew ; Giles/Xander, Giles/Wesley, Wesley/Xander, threesomes too ; Andrew/Xander.
05) Do you only write those characters/pairings and don't want to write anything else?: I can write other things.
06) If there's a character/pairing you'd like to experiment with, it'd be... Dawn, Gunn ; Dawn/Xander ; Gunn/Wesley
07) Unconventional Pairings? Yes.
08) Slash Pairings? Yes.
09) Alternate Reality (strays from canon at one point): Yes.
10) Alternate Universe (has very loose connections to canon or none at all. Includes 'Everyone's Human fic'): Yes.
11) Crossovers? No.
12) Episode/season you would focus in it'd be: everything.
13) Your focus is AtS, BtVS or both? both.
14) Would you include the comic-canon into your story? no.
15) Characters/pairings you do NOT write?: Ethan, Spike, Angel, Buffy, Cordelia.
16) How long would your story be? over 1,000 at least. Probably more.
17) How much do you want to be challenged? Something in-between.

Author 07

01) Genre(s): Everything, except...
02) Genre(s) you do not write: PWP
03) Highest rating: R
04) Favourite characters/pairings: B/A, Willow, Xander
05) Do you only write those characters/pairings and don't want to write anything else?: Nope! I'm open to all.
06) If there's a character/pairing you'd like to experiment with, it'd be... Wes, Lindsay, Gunn? Feeling the Fang Gang love in this category. But I'm still open to all.
07) Unconventional Pairings? Yes
08) Slash Pairings? Yes, but please note the max rating: R above. No slashy smut.
09) Alternate Reality (strays from canon at one point): Yes
10) Alternate Universe (has very loose connections to canon or none at all. Includes 'Everyone's Human fic'): No
11) Crossovers? Only across BtVS and Ats
12) Episode/season you would focus in it'd be: Everything
13) Your focus is AtS, BtVS or both? Both
14) Would you include the comic-canon into your story? If it fit the plot/timeline/request. I'm all up to date on reading them, so it wouldn't be a problem.
15) Characters/pairings you do NOT write?: Spike/Buffy, Cordy/Angel, Connor/Cordy, Giles/anyone he knew when they were in high school (except Anya, who wasn't really high school age anyway), Willow/Kennedy, incest
16) How long would your story be? It really depends. I'm more inclined to shorter stories, but could go long if the story takes me there.
17) How much do you want to be challenged? Give me the wackiest request ever! Or, you know, you don't have to, but feel free.

Author 08

01) Genre(s): Slash, Humour, Crack, Dark Fluff, H/c, Het, PWP, Drama (w/happy ending)
02) Genre(s) you do not write: Romance, Ultra-Angst (no happy ending)
03) Highest rating: NC-17
04) Favourite characters/pairings: Fanged Four in all pairings, 'New Fanged Four'- all pairings (Angelus/Spike/vamp!Xander, vamp!Willow)
05) Do you only write those characters/pairings and don't want to write anything else?: Yes
06) If there's a character/pairing you'd like to experiment with, it'd be... Master/Darla, Master/Angelus, Angelus/Giles
07) Unconventional Pairings? Yes
08) Slash Pairings? Hell yes
09) Alternate Reality (strays from canon at one point): Yes
10) Alternate Universe (has very loose connections to canon or none at all. Includes 'Everyone's Human fic'): No
11) Crossovers? No
12) Episode/season you would focus in it'd be: Everything
13) Your focus is AtS, BtVS or both? Both
14) Would you include the comic-canon into your story? No
15) Characters/pairings you do NOT write?: Buffy/Angel
16) How long would your story be? more than 1000 words but as long as necessary to tell the story
17) How much do you want to be challenged? Something in between
Comments: I especially like to write fics set in different locales/events throughout history- that's one reason I write an AR with the concept that Angelus never became ensouled and the family stayed together. I very much like to include a little plot with my porn and to include dark humour and unexpected twists. And my 'kinks' are pretty kinky. I would prefer not to do forced feminisation but beyond that pretty much anything goes.

Author 10

01) Genre(s): Usually gen, but I will try others.
02) Genre(s) you do not write: smutfic, fluff
03) Highest rating: PG-13
04) Favourite characters/pairings: Dawn, Wesley, Buffy, Willow, Angel
05) Do you only write those characters/pairings and don't want to write anything else?: I'll write almost anyone if it's suggested.
06) If there's a character/pairing you'd like to experiment with, it'd be... Darla, Fred
07) Unconventional Pairings? Sure.
08) Slash Pairings? Not unless they're canon or crackfic.
09) Alternate Reality (strays from canon at one point): Yes.
10) Alternate Universe (has very loose connections to canon or none at all. Includes 'Everyone's Human fic'): Yes, except for high-school all-human AUs.
11) Crossovers? No.
12) Episode/season you would focus in it'd be: Anything.
13) Your focus is AtS, BtVS or both? Both, but preferably BtVS.
14) Would you include the comic-canon into your story? No way.
15) Characters/pairings you do NOT write?: Buffy/Angel post-series, Buffy/Giles
16) How long would your story be? 500-1500
17) How much do you want to be challenged? I can't choose! Either extreme would be great.
Comments: I love drabbles and five-things fics, and I tend to be canon-compliant.

Author 11

01) Genre(s): Mostly Fluffy.
02) Genre(s) you do not write: Smut, not so good at Romantic Romance, and my Angst tends to be a tad overwrought.
03) Highest rating: G, PG, PG-13--possibly R.
04) Favourite characters/pairings: Spuffy, Spawn and non-romanitc Dawn/Andrew.
05) Do you only write those characters/pairings and don't want to write anything else?: I'm most comfortable and confindent with those pairings but would be willing to try another pair (or two!).
06) If there's a character/pairing you'd like to experiment with, it'd be... B/A, perhaps Giles and Joyce.
07) Unconventional Pairings? I would be willing to try, can't promise it would be any good, though.
08) Slash Pairings? I would prefer not to, but it would only be a G - GP-13 rating.
09) Alternate Reality (strays from canon at one point): Sure.
10) Alternate Universe (has very loose connections to canon or none at all. Includes 'Everyone's Human fic'): I've read some. It could be fun.
11) Crossovers? I'd be willing to try. BtVS/Firefly, pre-Serenity, please. BtVS or Firefly/T:SCC, again, pre-Serenity. (I want Wash! I want Shepherd!)
12) Episode/season you would focus in it'd be: Well, I have most of the episodes of BtVS on tape, but not all. Season 7 is safe--I think. But, you know, I could always consult the transcripts.
13) Your focus is AtS, BtVS or both? BtVS. I don't know Angel so well.
14) Would you include the comic-canon into your story? No.
15) Characters/pairings you do NOT write?: None.
16) How long would your story be? 1000. Maybe a little over if absolutely needed.
17) How much do you want to be challenged? Hey, last time I had to do Spike/clipboard/briefcase. I'm open. ;-)

Author 12

01) Genre(s): Not as good with the angst or lots of action but can certainly sprinkle those in without much problem.
02) Genre(s) you do not write: None really.
03) Highest rating: I'll write any, but normally I keep it 'R' or lower.
04) Favourite characters/pairings: Buffy/Angel
05) Do you only write those characters/pairings and don't want to write anything else?: No.
06) If there's a character/pairing you'd like to experiment with, it'd be... If I had to choose I'd say Faith/Angel or Willow/Angel
07) Unconventional Pairings? Possibly? Not the answer you were looking for is it? *G* I'm pretty flexible, so I'd lean more towards yes than no.
08) Slash Pairings? No. I don't have anything against it, it's just nothing I'm good at writing.
09) Alternate Reality (strays from canon at one point): Absolutely!
10) Alternate Universe (has very loose connections to canon or none at all. Includes 'Everyone's Human fic'): Definitely! This is my strong suit.
11) Crossovers? Yes. Supernatural, it's the only other fandom I've had much experience writing in.
12) Episode/season you would focus in it'd be: I'm much more familiar with BtVS seasons 1-4 than anything so those would be preferred but I'm always game for a challenge.
13) Your focus is AtS, BtVS or both? I can do characters from both, if you are wanting a fic placed specifically in a season I'm better with BtVS seasons 1-4 and AtS season 1, though I have watched all seasons of both shows at least once.
14) Would you include the comic-canon into your story? No.
15) Characters/pairings you do NOT write?: I've wrote just about everything at some point, but I'd prefer to stay away from Buffy/Spike, unless it would be in the context of a *past* relationship.
16) How long would your story be? I'm good for at least 2,500 words.
17) How much do you want to be challenged? I love challenges! Objects/phrases/specific characters that are to be included are awesome! A detailed request is great! As long as the requester understands that I will do my best to follow it as closely as possible there have been times that certain details were omitted in a fic on accident, which I'm sure could easily happen again.
Comments: I'm looking for a challenge and something to really spark my muse!

Author 13

01) Genre(s): Hmmm . . . I suppose Romance, though I general write plotty stories. *G*
02) Genre(s) you do not write: Angst, Fluff (it appears sometimes, but forcing it is a bad idea).
03) Highest rating: NC-17
04) Favourite characters/pairings: Giles/Wesley. ::loves::
05) Do you only write those characters/pairings and don't want to write anything else?: I write others at times, but I really want to just write Giles/Wesley at the moment. *G*

06) If there's a character/pairing you'd like to experiment with, it'd be... I'm not up for experimenting right now.
07) Unconventional Pairings? Well, yeah. *G*
08) Slash Pairings? Yup.
09) Alternate Reality (strays from canon at one point): Oh, yeah!
10) Alternate Universe (has very loose connections to canon or none at all. Includes 'Everyone's Human fic'): Possibly, though it depends on the AU.
11) Crossovers? I prefer not to.
12) Episode/season you would focus in it'd be: BtVS, season 3, but I'm up for other seasons.
13) Your focus is AtS, BtVS or both? BtVS. I haven't even seen AtS.
14) Would you include the comic-canon into your story? No.
15) Characters/pairings you do NOT write?: All the strictly AtS characters + Angel.
16) How long would your story be? No idea, but probably a min. of 5,000 words.
17) How much do you want to be challenged? Quirky and silly requests are good, simple requests are wonderful, nothing too off-the-wall, though.

Author 14

01) Genre(s): Dark, angst
02) Genre(s) you do not write: comedy, fluff
03) Highest rating: NC17
04) Favourite characters/pairings: B/A, B/S, A/S, B/A/S
05) Do you only write those characters/pairings and don't want to write anything else?: Those are my favourite pairings- but if the challenge is right, I might be convinced to try something else.
06) If there's a character/pairing you'd like to experiment with, it'd be... I honestly don't know.
07) Unconventional Pairings? Dunno- depends on the pairing
08) Slash Pairings? I'd write m/m.
09) Alternate Reality (strays from canon at one point): Don't most stories do this? *g*
10) Alternate Universe (has very loose connections to canon or none at all. Includes 'Everyone's Human fic'): No.
11) Crossovers? No.
12) Episode/season you would focus in it'd be: I'd write anything.
13) Your focus is AtS, BtVS or both? Both.
14) Would you include the comic-canon into your story? I can try.
15) Characters/pairings you do NOT write?: None that I can think of.
16) How long would your story be? That I can't answer- but it would certainly be longer than 1000 words.
17) How much do you want to be challenged? I don't mind a challenge- as long as its not too challenging. *g*

Author 16

01) Genre(s): Mostly Romance
02) Genre(s) you do not write: I'm not that good with describing physical fighting, I'd say that action stories are my weak point. I also cannot write smut.
03) Highest rating: Anything but smut. I love to read it, I just can't write it. Tried and it comes out crapy.
04) Favourite characters/pairings: Buffy/Angel
05) Do you only write those characters/pairings and don't want to write anything else?: I would prefer that the story revolve around B/A
06) If there's a character/pairing you'd like to experiment with, it'd be... Giles/Joyce, Willow/Wesley
07) Unconventional Pairings? As long as Buffy and Angel end up together, I'm game.
08) Slash Pairings? Nope. Not my thing.
09) Alternate Reality (strays from canon at one point): Yes.
10) Alternate Universe (has very loose connections to canon or none at all. Includes 'Everyone's Human fic'): Yes.
11) Crossovers? Yes. Highlander (TV show and movies); The Young Riders; Bones (with no scienific jargon like they do on the show because I just don't know it.); Piriates of the Carribean; Superman (the Christopher Reeve movies, Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman; Superman Returns); Zorro (The Famly Channel/New World verson); Moonlight; Forever Knight
12) Episode/season you would focus in it'd be: everything.
13) Your focus is AtS, BtVS or both? Well I guess I would have to say both since my focus is on the pairing of Buffy/Angel
14) Would you include the comic-canon into your story? No, but that is beacuse I haven't read the comics and I don't have the money to go buy them and my library doesn't have them.
15) Characters/pairings you do NOT write?: Conner/Dawn; Conner/Buffy; Buffy/Giles
16) How long would your story be? It depends on what the situation calls for. I usually go long though.
17) How much do you want to be challenged? Give me details to add into the story. I do better that way. It gets my creative juices flowing and more ideas come to me with guidelines. I will try to include everything, but please understand that I just might forget something. :-)

Author 18

01) Genre(s): Everything?
02) Genre(s) you do not write: Sickly-sweet fluff
03) Highest rating: NC-17
04) Favourite characters/pairings: Spike/Buffy, Spike/Angel... also venturing into Xander/Faith, Spike/Xander, Angel/Xander, Angel/Cordelia
05) Do you only write those characters/pairings and don't want to write anything else?: Not really, but feel more comfortable with them.
06) If there's a character/pairing you'd like to experiment with, it'd be... Not sure, really.
07) Unconventional Pairings? If I could make the pairing believable, sure.
08) Slash Pairings? m/m, no prob. f/f, not so much.
09) Alternate Reality (strays from canon at one point): Sure. A lot of my stories start at some point in canon and veer off.
10) Alternate Universe (has very loose connections to canon or none at all. Includes 'Everyone's Human fic'): I tend to avoid the All Human genre.
11) Crossovers? No, strictly a Buffyverse/Angelverse writer.
12) Episode/season you would focus in it'd be: Pretty open, S. 4 of AtS isn't high on my likes list though.
13) Your focus is AtS, BtVS or both? Both.
14) Would you include the comic-canon into your story? I read them, so I can go either way.
15) Characters/pairings you do NOT write?: I've learned to never say never.
16) How long would your story be? Depends on the muse and the plot bunny, at least the minimum.
17) How much do you want to be challenged? Something in between?

Author 21

01) Genre(s): Angst, Dark, Smut, Romance
02) Genre(s) you do not write: I'll try just about anything
03) Highest rating: NC-17
04) Favourite characters/pairings: Giles, Buffy, Giles/Buffy, Willow
05) Do you only write those characters/pairings and don't want to write anything else?: I'm willing to try others.
06) If there's a character/pairing you'd like to experiment with, it'd be... Willow/Giles, maybe Giles/Ethan
07) Unconventional Pairings? Yes
08) Slash Pairings? I probably could as long as I don't write graphic sex scenes for it.
09) Alternate Reality (strays from canon at one point): Sure
10) Alternate Universe (has very loose connections to canon or none at all. Includes 'Everyone's Human fic'): No
11) Crossovers? No
12) Episode/season you would focus in it'd be: -
13) Your focus is AtS, BtVS or both? Both, but I'm more comfortable with BtVS
14) Would you include the comic-canon into your story? No. I haven't read enough of them to do that.
15) Characters/pairings you do NOT write?: Riley, Tara
16) How long would your story be? I can't even begin to imagine.
17) How much do you want to be challenged? Simple is better. I write better without a lot of requirements.

Author 22

01) Genre(s): everything
02) Genre(s) you do not write: none
03) Highest rating: R
04) Favourite characters/pairings: Buffy/Spike
05) Do you only write those characters/pairings and don't want to write anything else?: no
06) If there's a character/pairing you'd like to experiment with, it'd be... - I've played with most of them
07) Unconventional Pairings? Yep
08) Slash Pairings? yes, and both
09) Alternate Reality (strays from canon at one point): yes
10) Alternate Universe (has very loose connections to canon or none at all. Includes 'Everyone's Human fic'): not human fic, AU not my preference
11) Crossovers? DW, X Files, Lost
12) Episode/season you would focus in it'd be: any
13) Your focus is AtS, BtVS or both? both
14) Would you include the comic-canon into your story? I could
15) Characters/pairings you do NOT write?: Buffy/Angel
16) How long would your story be? ~1000 words
17) How much do you want to be challenged? bring it on

Author 24

01) Genre(s): everything (almost)
02) Genre(s) you do not write: Non-con, daddy!kink, incest, chan,
03) Highest rating: NC-17 (but, I'm no SpankSpike)
04) Favourite characters/pairings: Gunn, Angel, Willow, Buffy, Cordy, Drusilla, Darla, etc.
05) Do you only write those characters/pairings and don't want to write anything else?: No, variety is the spice of life.
06) If there's a character/pairing you'd like to experiment with, it'd be... Connor/Faith
07) Unconventional Pairings? yes
08) Slash Pairings? both m/m and f/f
09) Alternate Reality (strays from canon at one point): Sure
10) Alternate Universe (has very loose connections to canon or none at all. Includes 'Everyone's Human fic'): No
11) Crossovers? I'd rather not, I'm so-so at them.
12) Episode/season you would focus in it'd be: everything
13) Your focus is AtS, BtVS or both? Both
14) Would you include the comic-canon into your story? Yup
15) Characters/pairings you do NOT write?: Conner/Angel, Warren,
16) How long would your story be? 1,000-5,000
17) How much do you want to be challenged? moderately

Author 25

01) Genre(s): Anything.
02) Genre(s) you do not write: NA
03) Highest rating: PG-13
04) Favourite characters/pairings: Lilah/Wes, Spike/Willow, Fred/Wesley, Tara/WillowNo.
05) Do you only write those characters/pairings and don't want to write anything else?:
06) If there's a character/pairing you'd like to experiment with, it'd be... clue. Pretty much give me anything.
07) Unconventional Pairings? Yeah.
08) Slash Pairings? F/F, yes. M/m would be a little harder, but I'd be willing to try.
09) Alternate Reality (strays from canon at one point): Yes.
10) Alternate Universe (has very loose connections to canon or none at all. Includes 'Everyone's Human fic'): No.
11) Crossovers?
12) Episode/season you would focus in it'd be: Anything is good.
13) Your focus is AtS, BtVS or both? Angel.
14) Would you include the comic-canon into your story? Nope.
15) Characters/pairings you do NOT write?: Uhm...I just don't have a feel for Xander. So anything with him is probably a no-go.
16) How long would your story be? Between 1000 and 3000 words.
17) How much do you want to be challenged? Challenge me.

Author 26

01) Genre(s): Almost everything
02) Genre(s) you do not write:Never say never, but I’m not really into noncon, incest, chan, etc.
03) Highest rating: NC-17
04) Favourite characters/pairings: Spike/Buffy
05) Do you only write those characters/pairings and don't want to write anything else?: OK, here’s where it gets complicated. Pretty much everything I write is part of a continuing AR series that departs from canon after The Gift. I’m willing to write anything that will fit into that AR, at any time period from as far back as you like to 2050, when rocks fall and everyone dies. So if you want a Spike/Dru historical set in the 1940s, or a Xander/Cordelia S3 fic, or Dawn-insert fic, or Giles gen futurefic… as long as it fits into the already established events and pairings of that AR, I’m willing to give it a shot. There’s a timeline of major events here.
06) If there's a character/pairing you'd like to experiment with, it'd be... See above. There are some pairings that are pretty much set in stone in this ‘verse (Spike and Buffy, for example) but there are a lot of characters who have long periods of time in which they are unattached, or their attachments haven’t been determined, in which Things Might Happen. Bear in mind that I try to write the characters pretty close to canon, so my base assumptions are that Giles, for example, is not sekritly pining after, for example, Xander, even though he most likely had an affair with Ethan at one point.
07) Unconventional Pairings? See above.
08) Slash Pairings? See above.
09) Alternate Reality (strays from canon at one point): See above.
10) Alternate Universe (has very loose connections to canon or none at all. Includes 'Everyone's Human fic'): Nope.
11) Crossovers? Nope.
12) Episode/season you would focus in it'd be: I’d rather not do episode-fill-in stories.
13) Your focus is AtS, BtVS or both? BtVS
14) Would you include the comic-canon into your story? N/A
15) Characters/pairings you do NOT write?: See above.
16) How long would your story be?
17) How much do you want to be challenged? Um… be gentle with me?

Author 28

01) Genre(s): Almost everything, see next question.
02) Genre(s) you do not write: PWP, Fluff
03) Highest rating: I have written NC-17, but I'm more comfortable with R or lower.
04) Favourite characters/pairings: Xander, Giles, Wesley, Spike
05) Do you only write those characters/pairings and don't want to write anything else?: Nope, I like writing most anyone. Those are just the ones whose voices I think I have down super-well
06) If there's a character/pairing you'd like to experiment with, it'd be... Hmm, I still feel really experimental writing Dawn and I like her a lot. No particular pairing.
07) Unconventional Pairings? Yes
08) Slash Pairings? Yes, both
09) Alternate Reality (strays from canon at one point): Yes, I love these.
10) Alternate Universe (has very loose connections to canon or none at all. Includes 'Everyone's Human fic'): No
11) Crossovers? Absolutely. With any of these: Stargate: SG-1, Stargate: Atlantis, Moonlight, New Amsterdam, The West Wing, Eli Stone, Heroes, and any of the CSIs
12) Episode/season you would focus in it'd be: Any
13) Your focus is AtS, BtVS or both? Both
14) Would you include the comic-canon into your story? No
15) Characters/pairings you do NOT write?: Giles/Xander, Xander/Faith, Angel/Gunn, Anya, Fred
16) How long would your story be? up to 5000 words
17) How much do you want to be challenged? Something in between, please.

Author 29

01) Genre(s): Gen, romance, humor
02) Genre(s) you do not write: Heavy angst and dark!fic
03) Highest rating: Well, it kinda depends on the pairing. Buffy/Spike and Ethan/Giles are all adults, so would probably be higher rated than Cordy/Connor, for example.
04) Favourite characters/pairings: I write Spike, Andrew and Harmony frequently, but I also can write most of the characters, except I'm not really good with Oz; about the only characters I don't write are Kennedy and Eve.
05) Do you only write those characters/pairings and don't want to write anything else?: Oh, no. I like variety.
06) If there's a character/pairing you'd like to experiment with, it'd be... NOT Bangel or ConCord!
07) Unconventional Pairings? Sure.
08) Slash Pairings? Sure, or at least M/M pairings. I've never written F/F.
09) Alternate Reality (strays from canon at one point): Sure.
10) Alternate Universe (has very loose connections to canon or none at all. Includes 'Everyone's Human fic'): Probably not so much. I'm a canon whore, but don't mind spinning off from canon at any point. Although, I have written one All-Human fic, when the request was for Xander/Angel, and I just couldn't hook them up in canon, due to Xander's long-standing dislike of vampires in general and Angel in particular, so I made them both human.
11) Crossovers? Bones, Labyrinth, Star Trek: TOS, Highlander
12) Episode/season you would focus in it'd be: I don't feel like doing episodic fics at the moment, and I'd prefer Seasons 4-7 and especially post-series fics.
13) Your focus is AtS, BtVS or both? Both
14) Would you include the comic-canon into your story? Sorry, no. I think "comic-canon" is pants.
15) Characters/pairings you do NOT write?: Buffy/Angel, Connor/Cordelia, Willow/Kennedy, Lindsey/Eve
16) How long would your story be? Don't know at present; I'd have to receive the assignment, think it out, outline the plot and see how many words it takes me to get where I want to go. *g*
17) How much do you want to be challenged? In-between

Author 30

01) Genre(s): everything, really. I excel at comedy and angst (go figure), but I can do others.
02) Genre(s) you do not write: Drama and Romance are my least written genres, but I can do them.
03) Highest rating: hard-R to NC-17
04) Favourite characters/pairings: Anya, Dawn, Willow, Xander, Illyria, Buffy, Harmony. I can also do a pretty good Spike, Angel, Faith, Fred. And possibly more that I'm not thinking about.
05) Do you only write those characters/pairings and don't want to write anything else?: Nah. I pretty much like everyone who is a fairly major character - Harmony is about as minor as I get, so I don't want to write someone like Gwen or Nina (from Angel) or Kendra (from BtVS). I like my characters to have at least 5 or so episodes so I can get to know them. Also, I don't currently have access to BtVS S3, so if any character occurs solely in S3, I'll not be able to do them at this time.
06) If there's a character/pairing you'd like to experiment with, it'd be... Anything. I am weird pairings 'r' us.
07) Unconventional Pairings? You bet!
08) Slash Pairings? I actually prefer it - both m/m and f/f - but I'll do het as well.
09) Alternate Reality (strays from canon at one point): Yes
10) Alternate Universe (has very loose connections to canon or none at all. Includes 'Everyone's Human fic'): I suppose, but I'd rather do something mostly tied to the canon world.
11) Crossovers? Possibly, depending on which other fandom characters you wanted. With HP, I'll do Harry, Ron, Hermione, Luna or Snape. In Heroes, I'll do Peter, Niki/Jessica, Micah or Nathan. In NCIS, I'll do Gibbs, Abby and Ziva.
12) Episode/season you would focus in it'd be: Comics from BtVS OR Ats. Alternately, BtVS S4-7 or Ats S5.
13) Your focus is AtS, BtVS or both? Usually, BtVS, but I can do Ats as well.
14) Would you include the comic-canon into your story? I might, but I try to keep canon-compliant stories understandable by the masses.
15) Characters/pairings you do NOT write?: Buffy/Angel. Connor/Cordy. Wes/anyone but Fred.
16) How long would your story be? There's no telling. Likely between 1500 and 3500 words.
17) How much do you want to be challenged? I'm good with crazy pairings, and REALLY enjoy that kind of challenge. I'm not the strongest plot-writer, ever, though, so no crazy plots that I'll have to flail about and tear out my hair to manage.

Arrested Development:: Author 01,
Bones:: Author 16, Author 23, Author 29
Chronicles of Narnia:: Author 02,
Cruel Intentions:: Author 01,
CSI (any):: Author 28
CSI: Miami:: Author 17,
Dark Angel:: Author 17,
Doctor Who:: Author 09, Author 22
Doctor Who:: Author 15,
Eli Stone:: Author 28
FFVII:: Author 02,
Firefly: Author 01, Author 11, Author 15, Author 23
Forever Knight: Author 16
Ghost Whisperer:: Author 20
Gossip Girl:: Author 01,
Harry Potter:: Author 02, Author 09, Author 30
Heroes:: Author 01, Author 09, Author 28, Author 30
Highlander:: Author 16, Author 29
House: Author 02,
How I Met Your Mother:: Author 01,
Labyrinth:: Author 29
Lost:: Author 22,
Moonlight: Author 28, Author 16
NCIS: Author 30
New Amsterdam:: Author 28
Nip/Tuck:: Author 23
One Tree Hill:: Author 01,
Pirates of the Caribbean: Author 16,
Psych: Author 23
R.A. Salvatore's The Forgotten Realms:: Author 15,
SG-1:: Author 09, Author 15, Author 28
Sixth Sense: Author 20
Spiderman (comic!verse):: Author 15,
Star Trek: TOS:: Author 29
Stargate Atlantis:: Author 09,
Stargate: Atlantis:: Author 28
Superman: Author 16,
Supernatural:: Author 09, Author 12, Author 17
The Office:: Author 01,
The Sentinel:: Author 15,
The West Wing:: Author 28
The Young Riders:: Author 16,
Torchwood:: Author 09,
Torchwood:: Author 15
X-Files:: Author 22,
X-Men (comic!verse):: Author 15,
Zorro:: Author 16
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