How to Order Gmarket Spree

Sep 24, 2019 22:18

HOW TO JOIN GMARKET SPREE/ Check Price of items?


Page ending with is for KOREA PAGE! GMARKET SPREE IS STRICTLY from KOREA not from SG
Please Follow the following steps on ordering :

1) First You must check Check if Seller sent out of Korea or Not. If Seller does not sent out of Korea means that I am not able to order since they do not ship internationally.Please refer to image below:

kindly check For Korea Domestic Orders :
this box must be able to be ticked /unticked ! otherwise it means seller does not ship internationally
(See illustration Below)

After Making sure that yes the seller do sent out internationally you can Start your shopping now.

Step 2)
Saw something that you like and want to purchase & check the price :
Take down the Korean Name (Copy it down on a piece of Paper) -- This is for easy matching later on the dropdown list
After you got your item name copy move to the next step below

Step 3:

Find the item Name on the drop down List
So you look for the item name "허브 OPS"

Then you realise that there is a 허브 OPS_피지(+2000W)

Ok so this is how you see the price.

Look at the discounted price on the main page is listed as 18,900 won
( * Please note that NOT ALL ITEMS ARE 18,900 Won)
This is when you see the item name beside has any Plus or Minus Value.

For instance 허브 OPS it has a +2000 won it would meant that the price of this piece of dress is = 18,900 won + 2000 = 20,900 won
If you see any item name beside is a (-2000) it would means = 18,900 -2000=16,900 won

So After selecting the item add them to cart. By clicking "ADD TO CART" Then  go to shopping chart

You will be directed to the shopping cart page. So copy the details in the spree format
Example:Item Details: • 선택 : 허브ops_피치 (₩2,000)

Another point to take note is for Seller that HAS a delivery CHARGE (How to see)? Look at the illustration Below:

Always add to cart and go to the shopping cart to check the price.

(In the case if there is delivery charge it will be reflected on the shopping cart as shown below):

Can I order from korean version gmarket page?
Of cause you can. The korean version and the english version ARE the same. BUT you have to look out for the logo (That looks like a airplane) this would means it ship out of korea) Otherwise its not available for international shipping then I cant order the item.
Refer to the image below:

For this below seller , there is no international shipping hence no logo of the "airplane"
Therefore, it is not available for international shipping/ pls do not select such seller.

As the dropdown list cant be translated so colors are all reflected in KOREAN Character.

So you might need the below for reference: [ Commonly see words for color]

Green = 녹색
Brown = 갈색/ 소색/ 브라운
Pink = 핑크
White = 화이트/흰색
Red = 빨간색/ 레드
Navy= 네이비
Ivoy = 아이보리
Beige = 베이지
Grey = 그레이
Black = 블랙
Blue = 블루/파란색/청색

And lastly, if you really want to make sure that you select the correct color, add the item to cart already
copy the details and paste them to google translator.

gmarket spree, gmarket

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