Community Rules

Apr 26, 2010 10:26

Community Rules:

1. You must be at least 13 years old. It's a general Livejournal rule.

2. Participation is very important in order to stay in the community. There is a limited number of spaces for each team. If you can't participate please let your team leaders know. That would allow us to get other members that would like to play. However, we do understand that life happens, just let your team leader know. If you are inactive for more than 3 weeks we do reserve the right to remove you. But you are always welcome back.

3. Please keep on topic with the community topics. Spamming and fighting with members will lead to a warnings and/or removing of the community.

4. Most important Have Fun.

If you have any more concerns check out cw_land FAQ

community: rules

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