Crowded Hour Application
Name: Buffy Anne Summers
Canon: Buffy the Vampire Slayer
cuzitswrong Character & Media Information:
Info on Buffy
Character Perception:
My philosophy on playing Buffy here Timeline: After S7, before S8 comics (gearing closer towards the events of the novel Queen of the Slayers than the S8 comics canon)
Ticket: "Buffy, we have identified more potential Slayers gathering at a private location. We have enclosed a way to reach them, and suggest you contact them immediately. We await Giles and the others in London. --The Watcher's Council."
Inventory: Stakes (several), driver's license, clothes, suitcase, accessories, some money, credit card.
Additional Notes: I support all of Buffy's canon ships (Bangel, Spuffy, Buffy/Riley even) and some non-canon (Fuffy!), so will play anything that ends up making sense based on the character's psychology, history and current timeline. I'm willing to work out things with people OOC.
Role Play Sample: Post-Chosen writing sample