Fanfiction || The Therapeutic Job || Parker/Sophie || PART TWO

Jul 18, 2009 09:54

Title: The Therapeutic Job
Author: Sapphire Smoke cuzimastripper
Fandom: Leverage
Rating: NC-17
Pairing: Parker/Sophie
Completed Length: 13,068 words
Setting: During 'The 12 Step Job'
Summary: Parker wants to talk to her counselor... Dr. Tanner.
Other Parts: PART ONE


Sophie was angry with Nate that he had just left here there in the rehabilitation center. They had been gone for almost two days, and Parker was there alone. So it was Sophie who went and got her, finding the girl in front of her to not… be the one that she left there. She was happy, giddy even, like an effect of the medication that didn’t yet have time to get it’s self into her blood stream. She jumped on Eliot, wrapped her arms around Hardison… and didn’t even look at Sophie.

Sophie doesn’t know why that hurt as much as it did.

She insisted that she was the one to take Parker home, even though Hardison tried to fight her for it. But she was firm on the matter, just because she wanted to know what the hell was going on with her.

Those pills should not have affected her that quickly. They just shouldn’t have.

Parker was tracing patterns on her car window the whole way there, almost humming to herself as she smiled. Sophie didn’t say anything, just kept stealing little glances at her every now and then. Parker would barely acknowledge her, and it wasn’t… it just wasn’t right. Not after everything that happened.

Not after they kissed.

Sophie still isn’t sure what to make of that. She doesn’t like to think about it, because it keeps drawing conclusions she doesn’t like. But for Parker… shouldn’t she be happy? Well, she is, clearly… but shouldn’t she be happy with her, and not ignoring her presence? It’s like she was invisible to her.

It drove Sophie mad.

When they got to Parker’s apartment, Parker pretty much floated into the room, still not noticing that Sophie followed her in, or even that she was there in the first place. Sophie clicked the door closed and watched as Parker spun around in a circle before collapsing on her couch.

“Parker?” Sophie asked quietly, looking at her. She was beginning to get a theory, and she didn’t like it.

“Look at that!” Parker exclaimed, pointing to the ceiling. Sophie looked up; there was nothing there.

“Parker, sweetie…” Sophie started gently, coming closer to her. She didn’t want to startle her or anything; she wasn’t exactly sure what was going on in Parker’s brain in the moment. “Are you… what did you do with those pills?”

“Gone,” Parker says, still staring at the ceiling and pointing. “Look Sophie! Watch it move!”

There was nothing moving.

“Parker...” Sophie said, feeling a bit scared now. “Parker, how many of those pills did you take?”

“Um…” Parker says, and squishes her face a bit as she thinks. Then she shrugs. “The whole bottle over… how many days has it been? One or a million?”

Three. Three days since she’s had them. Since she stole the pill bottle she most definitely was not supposed to have. Three days to finish thirty pills. Oh god.

“Parker, sit up, now,” Sophie tells her, but Parker doesn’t move so Sophie goes over to her and takes her hands, having to pull her up to a sitting position. “Parker, Parker! Look at me.” She takes Parker’s face in her hands and moves it towards her so their eyes can connect. “How many did you take today?”

Parker blinked, as if focusing on Sophie was confusing her. Her eyes crossed a bit, and Sophie slapped her cheek lightly to get her to focus, “Parker!”

“Ow,” Parker complains.

“Parker, today… think. How many did you take today?” Sophie presses, wondering if she’s about to have to induce Parker vomiting.

“I dunno, like… er…” Parker thinks and starts waving her fingers around as if counting, but if she was doing that she would have counted to about fifty. “Sixteen. No, Nineteen. No! Fifteen, yeah… sixteen,” Parker said, making no sense. Sophie swore.

“Alright, get up,” she told her and started pulling her to her feet.

“What? No. Why?” Parker asked, and stumbled a bit. Sophie caught her with her arm around her waist.

“Because they’re not about to stay in you,” Sophie tells her, and Parker protests, trying to plant her feet on the ground but being so fucked up that it doesn’t work very well.

“No! I like them! Look! Oh my god… look,” Parker says, pointing to nothing. “Oh my god, it has wings…”

“Yeah, okay, come on, seriously,” Sophie said, getting scared. Welbutrin, the medication she was prescribed, if taken in high enough doses causes hallucinations, loss of muscle control, and can cause death. It’s time released, so she’s just going to get worse. She’s already hitting one and a half out of three. Sophie wasn’t about to let three happen.

“No, Sophie! I won’t let you!” Parker cries, and pushes herself off of Sophie… and falls on the floor. “I think my legs are gone!” Parker yells, freaked out now. They didn’t seem to want to hold her anymore.

“Parker, I’m gonna pick you up. PARKER! Please! Listen to me, okay?” Sophie cried, almost desperately as she tried to pick her up, but Parker just kept swatting her hands away. “Do you want to die?!” Sophie yelled, frantic.

“No,” Parker says, blinking at her before laying her head down on the floor. “I wanna fly.”

Sophie’s heart is racing a million miles an hour. But she kneels down; trying to stay calm and tries with everything to sound like everything was okay, normal. “Parker,” she tries, “Do you want to play a game?”

“Yessss,” Parker says, all smiles. She tries to move, but can’t very well. “I seem to be broken though.” She says it likes it’s an interesting fact, and not one of the scariest moments in Sophie’s whole life.

“Alright, but we have to play it in the bathroom, so I’m gonna pick you up and bring you over there… okay?” Sophie coaxed gently, putting her hands under Parker’s frail body. Parker nods kind of sleepily and Sophie knows she has to hurry. Getting to her feet, almost stumbling because hell, she wasn’t that strong, she carries Parker into her bathroom.

She set Parker down near the toilet, and Parker lays her head on the toilet bowl. “Sleepy,” she mumbles.

“No no… no sleeping yet,” Sophie tells her, slapping her cheek a couple times. Parker’s eyes flutter open. “There, good girl. Sit up for me, okay? Come on Parker…” Sophie coaxes, and wraps and arm around her. Parker’s head falls back against her shoulder and Sophie shrugs it off of her so Parker’s head hangs over the toilet bowl.

“This is gonna suck,” Sophie mumbles before opening Parker’s mouth and sliding two of her fingers deep down her throat.

Parker gags once, twice, then hurls into the toilet, getting some of the bile on Sophie’s fingers. Sophie just wipes it on her shirt as Parker chokes, muttering complaints, but Sophie isn’t done. She’s making sure it’s all out of her system.

“No!” Parker yells, and tries to swat at her but still can’t move very well. “Gross!”

“One more time,” Sophie tells her, and forces open Parker’s mouth again. She can feel Parker’s throat spasm around her fingers and Parker makes this disgusting noise before she vomits into the toilet again.

Then she passed out… and then Sophie cries, not being able to stop it.

* * * * *

Sophie stayed the night, not wanting to leave her. So many questions were invading her mind, so many questions that didn’t have answers. Like why Parker kept the pills she was convinced were poison, why she took that many of them? Why? Just… fucking why? Why did she have to do that? Didn’t she understand what could happen?!

She couldn’t sleep.

She just kept looking at Parker, passed out on the bed next to her, curled into a ball and snoring lightly. Sophie had stripped her of all but her undergarments due to her throwing up a bit on herself, and Sophie had to borrow some of Parker’s clothes due to that problem too.

“Sophie?” Parker mumbled sleepily, moving a bit as if to find her.

“Yeah? I’m here,” Sophie says anxiously, rolling over to face her and putting one of her hands on Parker’s. But Parker’s still lightly snoring… she just said Sophie’s name in her sleep.

Finally Sophie curls into bed next to her, wrapping the covers around both of them, and kisses the top of Parker’s head softly before drifting off to sleep.

Sophie awoke to the sound of groaning and then the bed moving a lot as Parker flops back down on it face first. Sophie sat up quickly, looking down at her. She was spread eagle on the bedspread and she mumbled. “Hurts… moving.”

“Then why did you get up?” Sophie asked her, the annoyance finally seeping into her voice. The anger that Parker had scared her half to death.

“Brush… my teeth,” Parker mumbled, then tried to move again and winced. “Ow…”

“Serves you right,” Sophie told her in a bit of a huff, and Parker turns her head to look at her. “You’re gonna be like that all day,” Sophie told her. “What happens when you overdose on Welbutrin. It messes with your muscles… idiot.”

“You’re pleasant this morning,” Parker replies sarcastically, and crawls slowly up the bed to collapse on to a pillow.

But Sophie’s angry. Very angry. “How could you do that?!” she explodes, looking at her like she was crazy. “Why did you do that?!”

“I don’t know,” Parker told her, turning her face so she didn’t have to look at Sophie anymore.

“Liar,” Sophie said, narrowing her eyes. “Why did you do that, Parker?”

“I had a headache,” Parker mumbled into her pillow.

“They’re anti-depressants, not aspirin!” Sophie yelled, and Parker winces from how loud it is.

“Well I have a headache now, be quiet,” she tells her.

“Oh, right, cause I’m gonna cater to the woman who stupidly tried to kill herself last night, because you so deserve it,” Sophie spat.

“I didn’t try to kill myself,” Parker tells her.

“Then why? You thought taking that many pills would just get you high? Even I know you’re not that stupid,” Sophie says.

“Well it wasn’t in the original plan,” Parker defends, then buries her face into the pillow. She doesn’t want to have this conversation. “Accident,” she mumbles into it.

“Parker…” Sophie says, her voice getting quieter, more desperate. “Why?”

“Just thought it’d be fun… to be all happy,” Parker tells her, still mumbling into the pillow. Sophie rolls her eyes and grabs onto Parker’s arm to roll her over on to her back, much to Parker’s protests.

“Ow,” she complains.

“You scared me half to death last night, what would have happened if I didn’t come upstairs with you?” Sophie asks, looking down at her. Her voice cracked a little from that question.

“I dunno,” Parker says, and shrugs. She blinks and squints, not liking the light.

“You could have died…” Sophie says, emotion now heavy in her voice. She didn’t want to cry again, but it looked like she wasn’t going to have a say in the matter.

“I’m not in therapy anymore, I don’t wanna talk about this,” Parker tells her, and tries to roll over, but Sophie isn’t going to let that happen. They were gonna have this conversation. She gets on top of Parker and straddles her waist, looking down at her seriously.

“We’re talking about this.”

“Get off of me, Sophie,” Parker says, and tries to push her off of her but all her muscles hurt so much that she can’t. She sighs in defeat and just glares at her.

“You scared me,” Sophie told her softly.

“Sorry,” Parker said, but didn’t sound it, and she even rolled her eyes a bit… so Sophie slaps her.

“HEY!” Parker yells, but can’t move to retaliate. She turns her face though and rubs her cheeks against the pillow - it stings.

“You selfish bitch,” Sophie spits out at her, glaring at her with all the anger she has in her. “You didn’t even think about what it would do to the rest of us!”

“We’re not friends!” Parker yells at her. “We’re not anything! We’re just… all together! That’s it! So just… get off of me!”

“No,” Sophie told her.

“Sophie!” Parker yells, trying to wiggle out underneath her. “Leave me alone!”

“No!” Sophie yells, and pins her arms down next to her. “No, Parker! I won’t just leave you alone! Did you do this because we kissed? I need to know!”

“What? Full of yourself, much?” Parker asks, and tries to get her hands out of Sophie’s grip, but it’s starting to hurt too much, all the moving, so she just makes a really frustrated noise.

“I need to know!” Sophie tells her.

“NO! Not… really. No,” Parker says, and that makes Sophie let go of her. She stares down at her; eyes misted over and looks like Parker just screamed yes.

“Not really?” she asks in a small voice.

“It’s not because of you,” Parker says. “I was just confused and Marcy told me if I take a lot of my meds they’ll make me happy and things will make sense, so I did after… that. But I took too much this time, I guess. I didn’t know how strong they were.”

“You listened to Marcy?!” Sophie screeches, making Parker wince again at how loud it is.

“Just leave me alone, Sophie,” Parker says, wanting to be done with this entire thing.

“Fine, whatever,” Sophie said, getting up off of her. “Do what you want with your life, for all I care. You don’t think about anyone else but yourself anyway, apparently.”

“What?!” Parker yelled, pissed at being accused of that, but Sophie’s gone, out of her bedroom door, slamming in behind her.

She was done with the conversation too.

* * * * *

When Parker woke up the next morning, she could finally move without it hurting. She carried herself across her bedroom, and opened the door to go into the living room. She rubbed her eyes and walked sleepily into her kitchen to get some breakfast… when she stopped. She turned to her right after thinking she saw something in the corner of her eye and noticed Sophie, fast asleep on her couch.

“Uh…” Parker says, confused. Didn’t Sophie leave yesterday morning? She blinked, wondering if she was possibly hallucinating. She went over to her slowly, almost creeping up to her, trying not to wake her up. But then she touched Sophie’s arm almost barely, and then let out a scream as suddenly Sophie was awake, grabbing her thigh and pulling her forward so she fell right on top of her.

Sophie screamed too. That was not how she wanted to wake up this morning.

“Parker??” she asks sleepily, trying to figure out if it was really her. “What are you doing here?” she mumbles.

“This is my house,” Parker says, tangled up on Sophie on the couch. She tries to get up, though doesn’t try really hard, and then just gives up. Laying on Sophie wasn’t so bad.

“What? Oh… right,” Sophie says, trying to be awake and alert to the world. “Thought you were mad at me.”

“Thought you were mad at me,” Parker says, pointing out that she was the one that did most of the yelling yesterday morning.

“I was… I am,” Sophie says, still sleepy. “You’re an idiot.”

“I got that, thank you,” Parker says, annoyed. She tries to get up again, but Sophie wraps her arms around her and closes her eyes. Parker’s confused.

“No, I’m sleepy,” Sophie mumbles.

“You’re not gay,” Parker reminds her, because this seemed awfully gay right about now. Not that Parker was one to complain, while she was pissed that Sophie screamed at her and kept calling her an idiot… she did still like her. A lot.

“This isn’t gay,” Sophie tells her softly, though snuggles into her neck.

“Right, sure,” Parker says, and gives up and lays her head on her shoulder. “You just like to snuggle with everyone then?”

“We’re not snuggling,” Sophie protests sleepily. “Just laying.”

“I’m on top of you, your have your arms around me,” Parker states.

“Parker, will you bloody shut up for once? Really,” Sophie tells her seriously, finally opening her eyes to look at her. “If you make me analyze this then… see, too late,” Sophie says and sighs as she realizes it was a little bit too intimate. “Get up.”

“No, you said you wanted me here. I’m staying,” Parker says, not wanting Sophie to get up now. She really should have just shut her mouth way before this.


“Shut up, Sophie.”

Sophie looks annoyed, but shuts up. She was too tired to protest anymore anyway. She just lays back and closes her eyes, and enjoys Parker snuggling up against her, her light breath against her neck. Sophie starts lightly stroking back of Parker’s head, running her fingers through her hair. She tried so hard not to analyze all of this… but it was hard.

What was she doing? Why did she even stay the night after she yelled at Parker and told her she could pretty much go die for all she cares?

Because she did care. A lot. She has no idea where it came from.

She doesn’t know why she didn’t run screaming away from Parker after she kissed her. After Sophie kissed her. Parker. She did it. Not the other way around. She kissed Parker.

And why did it have to feel so good?

“Stop thinking,” Parker mumbled into her neck, and Sophie opens her eyes in surprise.

“How did you…?”

“You got really tense all of a sudden,” Parker explains quietly, eyes still closed as she lies on Sophie. Sophie sighed lightly and Parker continues, “And you stopped running your fingers through my hair. And I liked it. Didn’t like when it stopped,” Parker mumbled against her neck.

Sophie smiled a bit at that and started running her fingers through the thief’s hair again. Parker was catching on to human behavior, or maybe even just her behavior, really quickly. “Why are you doing this to me?” Sophie asks her softly, and Parker opens her eyes to look at her, confused.

“Doing what?”

“Making me… confused,” Sophie tells her softly, looking down at her.

“I don’t know,” Parker says, honestly. “I didn’t think I would…. I am? Really?” she shifts a bit to lean on one elbow, propping herself up so she would be the one to look down at Sophie.

“A little, yeah,” Sophie admits. She averted her eyes to look at the wall and said, barely above a whisper. “I was so scared that you would never wake up…”

“Sorry,” Parker says softly, and this time sounds like she means it. Sophie turns her head to look at her, and Parker brings her lips down to press lightly against hers. Sophie’s surprised, almost shocked still, and doesn’t move. When they broke, Parker bit her bottom lip and looked away. “Sorry about that too,” she mumbled.

“Uh…” Sophie starts, then coughs a bit. “No, it’s… it’s okay.”

Parker still doesn’t look at her, and now that Sophie can move she wants to… actually participate. She feels like she missed out on that one due to her shock, and that it really wasn’t fair. So she takes two fingers, puts them under Parker’s chin and guides her face to her before pressing her own lips against the thief’s. Parker parts her lips and Sophie slides her tongue in, tasting Parker again for what seemed like forever. Parker shifts on the couch so she’s lying fully on top of her now, and starts kissing her deeper.

After awhile the kiss started to get a little bit… more than that. Parker’s breathing heavily against her lips, and Sophie’s wriggling underneath her, trying to press her lower body against the younger woman’s. Then Parker’s lips are on Sophie’s neck, and Sophie gasps softly, finding Parker’s hand and holding it tightly.

“Parker… we should… um…” Sophie starts, trying to say that they should stop, that she wasn’t this into women, but she was finding she was having trouble thinking clearly.

“I don’t want to stop,” Parker tells her seriously, and sucks lightly on the base of Sophie’s neck before her hot bursts of breath were tickling Sophie’s ear.

“Yeah… yeah I can see that…” Sophie starts, but is cut off by Parker kissing her again. Sophie’s body seems to not be communicating properly with her brain, because her hands are grasping at Parker’s nightshirt, starting to pull it up. Her brain keeps saying no, but her body doesn’t seem to care. Sophie kisses her back, pushing into her a little bit more as Parker’s hand seems to find it’s way up her shirt. When Parker touches her breasts Sophie breaks the kiss, laying her head back against the couch heavily and closes her eyes as she lets out a moan.

“God… we shouldn’t…” she tries to get out, but it’s all incoherent mumbling at this point. Her hands are still working on getting Parker’s top off, and when Parker sits up she can finally pull it all the way off of her. “We… oh god…” she interrupts herself as Parker’s mouth wraps around one of her nipples.

Sophie can’t think anymore.

Parker’s teasing her nipple lightly with her tongue as he hand starts to wander down Sophie’s stomach. Sophie’s fingers are looped in Parker’s underwear, but she was afraid to pull them down. She didn’t want to be the first to do it.

“Do you wanna stop?” Parker asks her breathlessly, but seriously as her hand continues to go lower very very slowly.

“I don’t know,” Sophie whispers, and pulls Parker’s underwear down just the slightest bit. “I don’t think so… no.”

“Are you sure?” Parker asks her, needing to know. She kisses Sophie’s neck softly before whispering in her ear, “I want to make love to you, but I want you to say it’s okay…”

The fact that Parker said ‘make love’ was what made Sophie decide. She had thought with Parker everything would be spontaneous sex and fucking, but Parker wanted to… Parker wanted to…

“Yes,” Sophie whispered, and finally pulled her underwear down her thighs. “I want you too…”

Parker smiled against her neck before slipping her fingers underneath Sophie’s panties, and pressing against her clit. Sophie gasped and arched her back into her, not knowing just one touch from Parker could set her off so much. She pushed Parker’s hips off of her for a moment to slide her hand underneath them so she could touch her too, and when she did and found out how wet Parker really was, both of them moaned.

“God, Parker…” Sophie gasped, spreading her legs as wide as she could for her on the small couch as Parker started rubbing her softly, but firmly at the same time. “Oh my god…”

Parker kissed her again, tongue’s fighting their way for dominance as Sophie slid her fingers inside of the thief, making her cry out against her lips. Parker started gasping hard, pushing her hips into Sophie’s fingers, her face contorted in pleasure as she whispers, “Tell me this is real…”

“It’s real,” Sophie tells her breathlessly before moaning hard once Parker’s fingers had found their way inside of her. “Parker! Oh shit…” she cried, and her hips started moving with the rhythm.

Parker was panting hard, moaning hard every now and then, before she finally gets the effort to open her eyes and look down at Sophie, who was making the sexiest faces Parker thinks she had ever seen in her life. She was really the most beautiful thing she had ever seen… and she was hers. Even if just in this moment.

“More…” Sophie pants, and Parker slips a third finger inside of her, feeling Sophie clench around her. “More!” Sophie gasps again, needing her to fill her as much as she could.

“I don’t know if I… god Sophie…” Parker starts, interrupting herself with a moan as Sophie presses hard again her g spot.

“Please…” Sophie begged, and started speeding up the rhythm of her own fingers inside of Parker.

“God… fuck… okay…” Parker pants out, and tries to fit a forth. It’s tight, but Sophie’s so wet that it does slide in relatively easily.

“Yes! Oh god, yes!” Sophie cries, and Parker uses her thumb to press against Sophie’s clit while she slides in and out of her, making Sophie practically scream. “Oh fuck Parker… please don’t stop!”

That was the last thing on Parker’s mind.

Parker’s panting so hard she can barely breathe, and when Sophie curls her fingers inside of her and presses hard, Parker starts screaming, thrusting her hips into Sophie as hard as she can. She’s so lightheaded… so damn high, but she wants to take Sophie with her so she curls her own fingers and presses her thumb hard against the grifter’s clit until she feels Sophie tense. The sound of their moans mixed with screams seem to echo through Parker’s house, and both women are gasping against each other’s lips as they ride out their wave, before suddenly both of them are limp, Parker laying on top of Sophie.

They’re both quiet for awhile, eyes closed, just reliving the feeling. Then Parker seemed to get worried, because she started to try to climb off of Sophie, but Sophie stilled her by wrapping her arms around her.

“No,” Sophie told her.

“No…?” Parker asked quietly, looking down at her, not knowing what she means.

“No, you’re not running away. I’m good, we’re good so just… shush and lay back down,” Sophie mumbles, still not opening her eyes. She wasn’t done with the feeling. Part of her… most of her, wanted the feeling to never end.

Being with Parker was, if she was to be honest with herself, better than being with any man.

Parker called her a painting. Parker made love to her. Parker… is just Parker.

“Really?” Parker asked quietly, vulnerable, and Sophie opens her eyes. She looks at the younger women for a minute before a smile creeps on her face. Brushing back a piece of hair from her face she tells her:

“Really. You’re not going anywhere for awhile.”

Parker keeps thinking she’s gonna wake up from this dream… but she never does. Her whole life might be a dream, but if it is… suddenly it’s a really good one.


character: parker, writing: fanfiction, genre: femslash, tv: leverage, character: sophie devereaux

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