[This is Krizalid.]
[This is a very drunk Krizalid, wearing
...some kind of costume. It seems like he's in his bedroom at home, a bottle full of something that looks alcoholic sitting on a nearby table. There's also a very used shot glass. He's been training his liver as well as his muscles, apparently.]
[He's muttering incoherently to himself and
Read more... )
[He really hopes most people he gives his medicine to doesn't actually injure themselves to test it's potency. Oh gosh, what if they do? He'll need to definitely put that on a label or something...
Still, this is a little worrisome.]
... Is somethin' wrong?
[Uh duuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuh]
...Have you ever felt useless? Worthless?
[He has his moments of clarity in the face of a serious question, you see.]
...You're right. I just... [He signs, leaning on the mop. He doesn't seem to be talking to Ian; just musing aloud.] I did help, even though it was in a minor way... and now we know that that medicine is the real thing. That's important.
[He rubs the back of his head, unsure of what the man's referring to just yet; forget about the fact that you just gave out his name (he'll need to get used to the fact that Luceti won't be the same as home), he's more concerned with why you were upset in the first place, to need to prove something like that.]
Did something happen?
I can't afford to be useless.
[His stomach sinks, the same as it always has and always will, to hear that; in his experience, he's had to look on the limbless and deny them the satisfaction of regaining that arm or leg, all because he was too late and the injury was nothing more than scars, now...]
Aaah, I'm sorry. I know how that can feel-trust me, it's not the first time people didn't want to use my medicines. Heck, I don't even have a name for it, so I guess it happens...
Kolansky -> Kolanskine? Kolanskium? try spelling with C; Colanscine appears pharmaceutical
...It should be named after you. That much I know. If it has a name, it will have a stronger reputation.
Ah, but what about something a little more marketable! Like-Kolansky's Heal All! I mean, that sorta' tells you a lot about the product, right? And Colanscine can be for the more science-happy folk!
It's a win-win!
Excellent. ...If you'd like, I could arrange a less shocking demonstration for you.
[Because as long as it doesn't lots of blood, he can handle that.]
That depends.
[He lowers his gaze, thinking back to some pretty unpleasant memories.]
It won't heal a lot of poisons. The ones made for the tips of arrows, for example... Things that attack your body with the outcome to kill. Because the powder can't actually remove the poison from the body.
Ahaha, I never really...
[Whelp, that answers that. Ian can't get drunk, so...!]
I guess it can cure that, yeah! Maybe! I've never really looked into it before...
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