Someday- Ch 9

Jan 23, 2010 19:37

Chapter 9: Immane

Have you seen the film 'cast away' by Tom Hanks? I could definitely relate Yui to him.

She was like stranded on an isolated island, named "Seoul". She got no one.

However on the movie, Tom Hanks made a friend with a ball with a name of, Wilson.

But I think, Yui is not crazy (so far, that’s what I think) enough, to have a ball as friend. But she got a Wilson on her life, and that is me. Choi Minho.

"Mi--Minho?" Her voice sounded faint. It was unusual. Nonetheless, she was sick. Surprising right? I even thought, Yui is built up with metals, who doesn’t get infected by viruses.

"Hmm?" I asked, as I leaned closer to her. She was lying on her bed, while I sat on a stool beside it.

Her eyes were closed, but she was trying to open it. "I... I...feel sick."

I laughed breathlessly, "Are you stupid? Of course you are sick! You've been sleeping for like 2 days."

"Thank you."

"Huh? For what?"

"For staying by my side... For the last two days... and I really appreciate it, that you did not go to school just for me."

"Do I have a choice? You've got no one."

"No. I got you, right?" She asked. It made me smile. Sometimes, I wish Yui is just like this: quiet, calm, meek and other words that could describe a true girl. She looked at me. Her eyes were puff as if she cried. Perhaps, I think, it’s just a side effect of her, being sick. "Minho..."


"I want ice cream."

"EHHH?! You’re sick, and you want ice cream?!"

She pouted and nodded. "H-hai. They say, ice cream will make you feel better if you’re sick."

"Are you sure?"

"Very sure."

I grabbed the hand towel from her forehead and soak it in the basin. Then I placed it back to her head. I stood up, "don’t move an inch, okay? I'll be back."

"Be careful."

See? We could be the perfect couple if Yui is like that.

If Yui is sweet and charming.
If Yui is not the monster she is.

"YAH~ Minho." She was angry, I knew it. But she was not shouting at me. "I said, strawberry, not chocolate."

"EHHH?! You didn’t say any flavor, so I thought you like chocolate."

"I hate chocolates. Okay?" Still, she's was calm. This is cool. I prefer this kind of Yui.

"Okay, I'll be back in a flash."

I could still feel my heart thumping very fast, and I heard myself panting.

"Yui, here's... your strawberry ice cream."

She opened her eyes very slowly, "Minho-ah, you’re so slow... I don’t want to eat those ice creams anymore... Just throw it away."

It made me smirk. After running quite far enough from her place, and then she's going to tell me that, I should just throw it away?!


"Yui? What?"

"I want, orange the fruit this time."

"Do you have them on your refrigerator?"

"No. But the market has."

WHAT?! She wants me to go to the market, which was 2 kilometers away? I gave up and sigh. "Okay, I'll be in a sec."

There’s nothing I can do right?

"Yui... Here's your orange..." I handed her the brown paper bag. I could feel the sweat flowing on my forehead down to my cheeks.

She open and took a look on it. "Where? This is orange fruit; what I was asking was, orange the fruit juice."

My facial expression went blank; my lips formed a smirk. It cannot be painted by any painter. I hastily removed my shoes and lie down beside her. Pushing her on the side, I heard her gave negative remarks. I looked at other direction. My back was facing her. "No... I won’t go anywhere, I feel sick too. I must rest! I’m tired already! I'll stay here!"

I heard her chuckle. Then slowly, I felt her hands wrap around my stomach, she buried her face on my back, then whisper. "Then stay here... Don’t leave me."

I smiled.

s: someday

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