Fic: Too Good to Be True, 1A/?, WIP

Jan 07, 2011 04:10

 Oh, boy. First foray into posting fic online. Hopefully all the formatting comes out okay.

Title: Too Good to Be True (1/?), WIP
Author: cutloosemcgoose (Stasia)
Rating: PG as of now (no sex, minor language)
Spoilers: None for the series
Warnings: Some language ('bitch')
Word Count: 1644 for this section
Disclaimer: I don't own anything related to ( Read more... )

fiction, supernatural, sam/gabriel, crossover, 10 things i hate about you, dean/castiel

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Comments 9

heathyr_iltp January 9 2011, 09:38:30 UTC
AhhhhHHHHHHHHHHhhhhhhhh! This is fantastic!

I love how Becky is the guidance counselor. That's completely brilliant.
And Crowley as Gabriel's friend, oh! Love their interaction.
Gabriel is so perfect. I find him so much fun to write, do you as well?

Can't wait for more! And oh, to get more people to see this you could post the story, when Dean/Castiel comes into play, at deancastiel.


cutloosemcgoose January 13 2011, 02:29:44 UTC
Thank you so much! Becky is the only Ms. Perky I could ever imagine, I'm dying to work "quivering member" in there somehow.
I do love writing Gabriel, it's fun to imagine him as a teenager. Gotta keep that balance between snarky smart-ass and romantic idealist!

I'm still not sure how many more chapters there will be before the epic D/C romance starts, but I will definitely link to there, thanks for the advice! I'm really glad you're enjoying this.


ellethill January 9 2011, 10:22:19 UTC
Ohhhhhhhhhhh, this seems very, very promising :D :D :D


cutloosemcgoose January 13 2011, 02:31:55 UTC
Thank you! I'm glad you liked the start, hopefully the rest of the story will live up to it ; )


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cutloosemcgoose January 13 2011, 02:32:17 UTC
Thank you! I'm very glad you liked it!


anonymous January 12 2011, 21:12:21 UTC
i love this!! please you must write more. <3 lori


cutloosemcgoose January 13 2011, 02:32:52 UTC
Thank you! Working on chapter two right now, I hope you like the rest of it as well!


sara_ines April 18 2011, 14:26:02 UTC
Wow, interesting beggining!

I love the interactions between Crowley and Gabriel.
And love at first sight? Gabe, Gabe!

I can't wait to see Cas in this one ;)


cutloosemcgoose April 18 2011, 20:56:14 UTC
Thank you so much! Yes, Gabriel is somewhat of a hopeless romantic here, I don't think it's too far out of canon for him : )
Cas will be coming soon! I'm actually planning on posting the whole thing in a few weeks, so that people don't have to wait for updates. I'm glad you enjoyed!


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