With Love From The Easter Slashbunny

Apr 04, 2010 16:03

Boooo! *scares you all with secret ninja skillz*

The lovely cassiopaya  not so subtly implied that there's a sad lack of anything "official" going on in cutler_beckett . So I consulted the Easter Slashbunny and this is what we came up with.

Do you have a story in mind that you have been sitting on for too long but never actually started? Well, now's the time to do it. You can write absolutely anything, even crossovers. Of course it would be lovely if your story featured our dear Lord but I won't eat you alive if you decide he doesn't fit into your story. There's no min word count but it would be great if you reached 1000 words at least, I won't count it. lol The first draft is due April 30th (Friday). You will have more time to work on your story but it should be in a state by then that will allow anyone to get an overview of the plot and the mood.


Once the first drafts are done we'll be looking for artists to make art (icon/banners/covers/manip/drawing/vid) accompanying each of the stories. There will be (probably) two rounds of claiming fics. A short extract from each story is posted by me anonymously and you can claim the one you like best. (There will be more info about this bit once the time comes.) The final deadline for all art and the fics is May 30th.

No formal sign-up is necessary but it would be great to know who would like to take part writing fic and/or do art. If you have no spare bunnies at the moment feel free to browse through our lonely prompts section and feel free to leave all sorts of story ideas in this thread for each other, anything from pairings to plots you'd like to see. :) And if you have any questions feel free to comment or message me. :) 

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