
Jul 06, 2005 20:10

omg i got my track jacket todayyyyy!!! its AMAZING - its the hottest, awesomest (i dont care that its not a word!!!), coolest, most amazing and fabulous jacket EVERRRR!!!!!! im in love. sooo yeah, this week has been good. saturday was awesome. so first we went out for breakfast (a LEEETLE stressful w/ the 3 little girls) and abby, in addition to ( Read more... )

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Comments 2

sh0paholic17 July 24 2005, 16:25:30 UTC
yooo satz its sam, friend me?


pastywhitebob July 25 2005, 06:17:13 UTC
omg satty you have just made a second LJ friend!!!!! YAY YOU!!!!!!! HAHA do you even use LJ anymore


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