Well, it's been a while since I've done any changes to my livejournal layout, but the thing is I am actually satisfied with its looks, and even after several years, I still do not feel the need to change it for anything else
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Xmas season is here, with all its lights and decorations everywhere~ I will try out tons of food! XD
It's an artist I follow, so I have the link, here it is: LINK [please click on the void on the left, sorry, it's a problem with my LJ page, in which links are not visible to the eye for some reason ;_;]
Comments 5
I hope you've been doing well ^__^
The CCS art of this pixiv member is truly really adorable XD
Do you have a link to the artist? I haven't used pixiv in ages!
Xmas season is here, with all its lights and decorations everywhere~ I will try out tons of food! XD
It's an artist I follow, so I have the link, here it is: LINK [please click on the void on the left, sorry, it's a problem with my LJ page, in which links are not visible to the eye for some reason ;_;]
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