Icon dump

Mar 16, 2009 18:17

Gosh I don't know even where to begin with this.It's been 6 months AGAIN arghhhhhh.I must stop doing that! As you can see from my icon and mood theme (tis awsome,no?) I have a new fandom and I was gonna post my thoughts on it here but the icons took too much space.


Soul Eater[69-172]
Kuroshitsuji [173-179]

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bleach:icons, naruto:icons, soul/maka, soul eater, icons, kuroshitsuji:icons

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Comments 41

moezychan March 16 2009, 17:32:58 UTC
Very nice icons~ Snagging a bunch of Soul Eater ones ^_^ Will credit!


serika_san March 16 2009, 17:35:21 UTC
Oh my god. XDDDDD These are made of EPIC and WIN. I will be grabbing many of the SE ones. With credit, of course~!


kanki_yamato March 16 2009, 17:42:51 UTC
Nice icons!Take some with credits! <3


anitheanimaniac March 16 2009, 17:52:21 UTC
Took quite a few SE. Will credit if used. 8D


sharyamato March 16 2009, 17:58:40 UTC
SNAP! So many awesome icons! Going to have to figure out which ones I'm going to use, but saving a bunch!


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